4 thoughts on “There Is That Anyway

  1. Sigh…So. Cal. was paradise in the ’50’s, ’60’s, ’70’s, well, pre Commie. Much like Canada and all the Commonwealth countries, I would think.
    Unlocked homes, cars, bikes, etc., such things come with pre commie, White, high trust, culturally cohesive societies.
    I’m unlikely to see that again in this life, paradise lost.
    P.S. Karen Bass, L. A. mayor, hard core Commie, visiting Cuba annually, since the ’70’s. Incompetent mayor. Competent destroyer of civilization. A product of (((Their))) Long March through the West’s institutions.

    • yeah. went to the ‘city ” (San Fran) in the 1979, it was clean and a nice place to visit. had a couple of uncles out that way then.
      they left by 1989. the reason was “it getting really stupid ”
      same thing for Europe in the 1970’s clean and for the most part SAFE. well, there where some small problems with RAB and BM
      terror groups doing stupid shit. even England was okay then.
      got to spent some time in Europe while I was stationed there.
      West Berlin was a hoot ! GIs used to pound in the “turks’ downtown if they acted up at all. I guess the old folks wish we where back to keep them inline now.
      so, yeah. I also got to see bit of the world before it all went to shit too.

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