3 thoughts on “There is just no time at all…

  1. Had a good bud in college from Acapulco. He taught me some of the Spanish guaranteed to get your throat cut if you used it in the wrong place. That word is one of the milder ones. And no, I’m not about to post any of it here or over the phone. Don’t ask.

    • It’s the only words we gringos learn. Learned a couple while there in high school

  2. Heck, Pendejo was my favorite greeting to my buds from S. America every time I ran into them, still use it to this day.
    It is almost as flexible as the English usage of “fuck” for every occasion.
    BTW, where I come from, it means “pubic hair”, so when you tell someone to /stop being a “pendejo”/ it is stop being a pube (in the asshole sense). Clear?
    Son todos pendejos aqui.

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