There Is A Word For This

And it rhymes with SEASON


The US Government has started an investigation into BlackRock after BlackRock was exposed for investing $429,000,000 into the Chinese military Democrat Congressman Ro Khanna sold $130k of BlackRock stock just 4 months before the investigation How did he know? Insider trading.

7 thoughts on “There Is A Word For This

  1. He is a democrap, but this gets a question mark. The video caption says “for months”. If he sold the stock 4 days before, the complaint would have more credibility. Any investigation will go nowhere, the congresscritters will not investigate themselves, so that is smoke and mirrors.

  2. Most congress critters sumthin, sumthin, sumthin, don’t want to get any higher on the Terrorist Watch List…Fuckin’ chinese nazi commie infiltrator spy joos from the north. Scumbags.

  3. Problem is:
    we have lost the ability/skill/desire to build and employ (where necessary) that machine that French used in the 18th Century to rid themselves of those who thought themselves more noble

  4. Why should this guy be under investigation when Nasty Piglosi’s husband has a running record for picking winners and getting out ahead of imminent downturns. The U.S. legislature is guilty of insider trading and has been for generations. They passed a law, to much ballyhoo, first decade this century making it illegal for legislators and their families to trade stocks in the industries they regulate. They quietly passed another law in 2012 making it OK again and the shyster Obozo signed it.

    The only reason they’re going after Ro Khanna is his ties to China, in which case, there’s a whole bunch of other Demonrats and Republicans, like Bitch McConnell, for starters, that should be standing right beside him in the defendants box.

    These people are a joke. The whole GD government is a joke.

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