There is a hospital named ‘Plainsview Hospital’ in Kenya that has a simple motto, “We Treat, God Heals.” Whether practicing or receiving medical care, both patient and doctor would do well to remember thus…

6 thoughts on “There is a hospital named ‘Plainsview Hospital’ in Kenya that has a simple motto, “We Treat, God Heals.” Whether practicing or receiving medical care, both patient and doctor would do well to remember thus…

    • Me too, Sarthurk, wish she was still around. After cutting her teeth in a hospital environment she married my Dad and moved up to extreme rural hillbilly care for advanced training

  1. I told my retired nurse wife that I wasn’t going to get the shot and she said she wasn’t either. Her son bugged her trying to get her to take it but she refused. He’s normally level headed but the government had him and his wife scared to death. Which after taking the shot is where they may be headed though I really hope not.

  2. When the guy who invented mRNA tech said it wasn’t ready for prime time, I believed him.

  3. Never had the clot shot nor any flu or other shots. Healthy as a horse in mid eighties with only problem is a heredity from mom.
    As for all the people who lost their jobs due to government decree why aren’t they banding together and suing the poop out of the government.

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