14 thoughts on “There is a fuck-ton of stupid out there

  1. And bears. Bears will kill you.

    And humans with colorful hair that you can’t figure out what gender they are (well, they can’t figure out what gender they are either.) Because they’ll ruin everything they can. And it’s illegal to kill them or punch them or trap them or set them on fire (unless you’re an illegal immigrant in NYFC…)

  2. yeah. dad warned me about the “stupid” as he called them.
    always bet on them doing something really stupid and guard against it and you be alright most of the time. and I have to say. he knew what he was talking about.
    God only knows how many times I ducked out of the way of some moron driving
    and doing stupid shit. the wife thinks I have a six sense about it. but getting out of the way saved us from quite a few accidents with “the morons” as I call them.
    so, yeah. keep a eye out for stupid people doing stupid shit.
    they are everywhere !

    • Interestingly, my wife HATES me watching those car crashes on YouBoob, but I notice it has made her a more cautious driver.

      I have designed a lot of automated equipment, and I try to idiot-proof my designs, and yet The Universe keeps coming up with Stoopider people! I am aghast at all the idiotic things I see people do, and wonder, “WHAT were they THINKING!!” when in reality they WEREN’T thinking.

      They’re everywhere, they’re EVERYwhere!!

  3. Yep, I’ve seen ‘stupid’ do some shit that made me wish I was in a different time zone. ‘Stupid’ is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

  4. Blame OSHA, as well as all those other three letter agencies created to protect us. We used to weed out the stupid from the gene pool quite efficiently. It’s now illegal to do it.

    • funny. my dad used to say something close to that.
      he used to say in the days before all of this shit. the stupid would have removed themselves from the gene pool before they had a chance to make even dumber kids. and now?

  5. Pingback: Sunday Respite – ‘Walking in the Air’ | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!

  6. After a life of having to be in other places around the world meeting new people and doing justifiable things to them, i retired with a simple statement: people are stupid and dangerous, they are dangerous because they are stupid, and i avoid them at all costs. America is has now joined the masses of stupid and dangerous writ large.

  7. If you’re gonna be stupid, you better damn well be tough too.
    Ask me how I know from my teens and twenties…

  8. Our common goodbye to anyone headed out on the road in bad conditions: “It’s not the weather we worry about, it’s WATCH OUT FOR IDIOTS!”
    I was once grousing to a flight instructor about all the FAA regulations that we had to observe. He pointed out that almost every such regulation is there because somebody died finding out.

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