There Are Good Reasons Why I Stayed Away From Doctors For So Many Years

This be one of them.

I had a Doctor for I dunno, fifteen, twenty years?

I liked the guy but I never went to see him unless it was something serious, ya know?

At one point it was 8 years since I had seen him and they had to get into their archives to even find my file.

His office ladies hated my ass.

From what I gathered, nowadays, they want you to “Have a relationship” with your medical providers.


I got news for you people, it’s all I can do to keep “My Relationship” with my freaking WIFE intact on any given day.

You doctor types ain’t got a chance.

So anyways, that guy retired, good on him I say, he was only 5 years older than I am.

Which of course, left me with no “Primary Care Physician”.

So other than the various emergency room visits in the last six years, no doctor.

My brother kept telling me about his, tells me he just loves her, yadda yadda yadda, I should go see her.

He even told her about me and she said she would be glad to take me on.

( newsflash, many professionals have tried and failed honey)

But I finally relented and gave her a call and set up an appointment.

I go see her, I do like her, she is wicked smart, empathetic and gets right with the program.

This is where the meme above comes in.

After ONE VISIT, I walk out of there with prescription for FIVE different pills she wants me to take, every freaking day.

I can barely remember to tie my shoes every morning and you want me to keep track of that?

R U serious?

The second visit, I’m having trouble with some of this crap, especially this Oxycodone shit or whatever they call it. It ain’t the shit that was all in the news for being abused a couple years ago but is kinda like, right below that shit.

It was keeping me up at night, giving me headaches of all things and just generally felt, corrosive, is the best way I can explain it.

Me no likey.

So she got rid of that and went back to Vicodin, which I ain’t a big fan of either but the amount of pain I deal with every freaking day after being on my feet is more than I can stand so whatever, at least it’s something when I need it.

In the mean time, she adjusted a couple of these other prescriptions so now I have this little brown paper bag with about ten different bottles of pills in it that I ain’t taking anymore and five more sitting here next to me, including a prescription for ASPIRIN of all things, that I am somehow supposed to keep track of.

If someone was to put a bottle of flea killer or de-wormer next to all of them I would absolutely throw one of them down along with all the rest of them and not be the wiser for it because I wash them all down with my first cup of coffee in the morning, before I am all the way awake.

Gotta love that shit.


Big Pharma can lick my taint.

27 thoughts on “There Are Good Reasons Why I Stayed Away From Doctors For So Many Years

  1. I wish you good luck, Phil. It fucks you up with work and the rest of your life, just trying to get through pain all the time, non-stop white-hot pain.
    They ask: “on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?” Nobody takes you seriously when you answer: eleven!, because how could you function? But you just have to, hey?
    My legs don’t just hurt, with low blood supply they can’t bloody work a bugger. You better keep on those baby Aspirin, or you’ll be on aggressive anti-platelets, be leaving red DNA information blotches everywhere. It’s embarrassing, just to touch something and start leaking, people are alarmed by being exposed to that sort of political contamination in this day and age. You don’t blame them!

    • ‘political’ contamination? That should have read: potential contamination. I click on the predictive text, when I can’t even read the crap anymore!

  2. Wonders of wonders, they make these little plastic boxes segmented in the days of the week and they make them for the whole month if you are so inclined… I know, fuck me right? They may help you sort out and keep track of the days you forget to take them. Only bitch is ya have to load it when you hit the last day of the pill minder…

    • Or just get your retail chemist to fill the little dosage sachets with the correct dose, date and time that you take it. Makes things easier, especially for old farts like you lot.

      • Retail chemist? Where da fuck do you think we live… Pharmacists my boy, and if you are lucky to find one, a Compounding Pharmacist.

    • The only problem with those “pill of the hour” boxes is if you have an interaction with LEO. Any medication, especially narcotics, not in an original prescription bottle will result in your butt being “detained” at a minimum. I went thru that scenario 2 years ago after a minor car wreck on a trip out of town. Wasted the better part of 6 hours waiting for my girlfriend to carry the prescription bottles to where I was. Cop told me I could have been charged even after showing I had valid prescriptions because apparently in some (most?) places its a law they need to be in the original bottle.

      I just throw all the pill bottles in a sack now, with a list of what to take and when.

  3. Phil, not to get all hippy an shit on you, but there are literally thousands of homeopathic remedies out there for practically every ailment known. And they are natural and harmless (except to the bad stuff in you).

    • Homeopathy is based on some pretty weird science. The theory is that if you have a headache you should take a preparation that causes headaches and dilute it by putting one drop in a liter of pure water. Mix well and put a drop of just mixed into a liter of pure water. And again and again and again.
      6x, 10x are common dilution ratio. The chemistry works out so that after six dilutions there is NONE of the original preparation that causes headaches. Now here is where things get interesting. See, the water remembers the crystalline structure of the initial preparation and that is what does the work. Ummm, it doesn’t remember the giardia and give you the runs, it doesn’t remember the pcb pollution or anything else, just the magic crystalline shape of the one you want it to remember. Ummm, yeah.

      Don’t pay to much for that.

  4. If you haven’t already done so, go to WalMart or Dollar Tree and buy a pill box to help you keep track of your daily meds.

  5. 66 years old and I don’t take any medicine. Maybe that’s how I got to 66 healthy enough to not take pills. Mostly it is that I hate taking pills but also a heavy dose of skepticism.
    A very good doc offered me a pill for a minor complaint that everybody takes a pill for. I allowed that I could try taking that for a couple of weeks and she told me that I would have to take them for 6 months before they started working.
    I answered that if it takes 6 months to work, that is the definition of not working.

    Ps, the studies about statins and cholesterol were for cholesterol over 300. And the relationship reversed after 60 – 65 years old, such that lowering cholesterol raises the risk of heart attacks. Now, if your doc pushes statins and your cholesterol is below 300 or you are over 65 you can be sure he is a pharma whore.

  6. In general, doctors don’t know shit about drugs – it ain’t in their training. On top of that, people have different reactions, so it ends up being a game of trying this that and t’other. I know people who’ve been through that.

    I dread the day I go to a doctor – yeah, I have things that need looking into, but I’m sure there’ll be a whole lot of other stuff they’ll want to do too.

    Nothin’ to do but cope, until they get the blockages cleared, I figure. Hang in there.

  7. Worst Case: See if they’ll throw some Soma at you… no joke… VERY popular overseas… used to get it instead of Oxy in Kuwait… helps out quite a bit… not sure WHY they don’t script it here stateside BUT the IRL Name is Carisoprodol and the brand is Soma (yeah yeah, like that shitty movie) BUT
    It works
    Take it from me

  8. Around here, the best doctors are all from South Africa, hands down.
    Better than the German- or Israeli-trained ones too.
    They are all no BS, all have the suck it up persona, and if they ever prescribe any medication YOU BLOODY WELL TAKE IT BECAUSE THEY WERE EDUCATED TO FIX SHIT WITHOUT MEDS.

    The problem is may of the “establishment” hate them and do their best to refuse the hospital privileges – a penalty for being popular with patients and everyone looking for a new doctor.

    A former co-worker and his wife emigrated here from the Ukraine about twenty years ago. He is a Mechanical Engineer and she a Doctor – both trained in Germany. He had to settle for being a mechanic (pretty darn good at it, too) and she wasn’t even permitted to challenge the exams here, so she started a daycare.
    …..and yet, the Gubmint keeps saying we are short of qualified doctors.

  9. I went to the local bush clinic today to get the results from a battery of bloodwork and an ultrasound that were performed in the last couple of weeks. I beat the odds and survived a near death experience shortly after my fall a year and a half ago. Besides having a foot that in 50% I have no feeling and the other 50% feels like I’m standing on a live electric line, ( lots of nerve damage ) I got a clean bill of health. Ya me!!! I’m off all prescriptions now. I wish I had a picture of the Pa’s face when I told him I had been for almost a month. I had run out back then and decided I was done taking them. So anyway that was good news and I’m grateful to the Man upstairs for giving me the opportunity to stay here a little longer.

    I can remember my father being here to help me out. He was in his mid 80’s and on many medications. Mom had always filled the weekly plastic box with his meds for him. It was pretty sad and frustrating every time it needed refilling. He would drop this one and spill the entire bottle of that one. I couldn’t be much help to him at the time either. He flew back home a year ago today. It was the last time I saw him.

    Yes CederQ, I could jump into that dumpster without a ladder.

  10. Just got back from my “new” dentist Tuesday, they wanted me to fill out my IMPORTANT PAPERWORK online, nope, not me, I told the office girl I wasn’t going to do that. She said somebody forgot to check the box on the computer at the office that I had already filled it out in house and to ignore the constant text reminders. Fuuucck…
    They dropped the ball on my insurance, some of the best in the business. Fuuuucck…
    My quote went from $388 and change to $154 and change AFTER they got the insurance straightened out. What the hell happened there? Soak the cash customers much?
    I like this guy though, no nonsense and got right in and yanked my broke to hell tooth right out, so I’ve got another huge hole in my head to match all the rest.
    Hadn’t been to a dentist since all the covie-crap started, the place I went to before wanted me masked, jabbed, and distanced so we parted ways.They were the ones with their dick strokers in my mouth and they were worried about ME? They had been bought out by some Megacorp so I wasn’t anything but a meat covered ATM to them anyway.
    Hang tough Phil. I know you’ll get it sorted out.

  11. My Father in Law was taking 31 pills a day before he passed. He had Parkinson’s & dementia for about the last 4 years of his life. I went to see our local doc when I was having bowel & stomach issues. They drew blood and tested it. My bad cholesterol was a little high. Oh SHIT. Let’s start him on the meds! He prescribed 5 pills to take. One of them made me extremely constipated. Next thing I know he ordered a scope. They found no problems. He then started me on Prozac so I wouldn’t freak about my stomach problems. I did His pills for about 3 months. Against his advice I quit all of them and never went back. This was before Covid thank God. I will never go to a doc again. Told my wife to let me die if I get sick or have heart attack. I still have stomach issues from time to time. Tums helps and the Horse paste keeps me from getting colds. I want to live with a clear mind for as long as God let’s me.

  12. Had a doctor I would see every 5 years or so, when something came up – usually a broken bone. Hadn’t seen him since the corona-panic hit, didn’t like what I saw the med world doing. Finally got a letter saying he had taken an admin position and was cutting back on his patient list, and I was one that would need to get another primary physician. Haven’t started looking yet, and I’m in my 70’s.

  13. Fasting and low carb have solved a lot of my issues, but your doctor will recommend neither as there is no way to sell a prescription for not eating, or not eating certain foods.
    My blood pressure was high a few years ago and I got put on several meds. I was trying to get blood sugar and insulin under control and found one of the meds I was taking for BP actually raised both. I just stopped taking it and found that it was actually raising my BP. I dropped about twenty points when I stopped taking it. I told my PCP about this and she didn’t seem surprised at all. That raised my confidence level. another twenty to thirty lbs and I’ll quit taking all of it.

  14. There’s a word for what you are suffering through. It’s called Polypharmacy…and it kills people.

  15. I read a good story a few years back about an old rancher in his 80s that didn’t like doctors. His daughter was constantly trying to get him to go get a checkup, with no luck. The conversation usually went something like this:

    “Dad, you need to go see your doctor and get checked out.”
    “Why should I do that? I feel fine.”
    “Well, you might have something going on inside that you can’t tell from the outside. You should go.”
    “Why should I go when I feel fine?”
    “Just go Dad. Would you please?”
    “Well, I can’t see going when every time I do go he calls me a stubborn old son of a bitch.”

    That pretty much ended the conversation every time.

  16. Effing doctors. 99.9999% ain’t worth a shit, IMHO. When you have an ailment or are just past a certain age, they want to start loading you up on pills to combat things that may or may not develop. Why? Because someone supposedly did a study that turned into “The Standard of Care”. That handbook for Doc’s, along with the PDR, is like a maintenance manual/schedule for a car or truck. Guess who wrote the PDR and heavily contributed to “The Standard of Care”.

    Big Pharma.

    So, have this condition or it might develop because of your age? Take this pill. The pill they prescribed is causing other problems? Here take this pill to offset the problems caused by the first pill.

    I’ve been taking a particular blood pressure med for 15 years. A major side effect of this med is swelling in the lower legs. That happens because this med is designed to lower BP by slowing your heart rate. Slower heart rate and lower BP can lead to fluid accumulation in the legs, especially in older people with atherosclerosis, a somewhat normal consequence of aging.

    My Pri Care doc’s, three different ones and my cardiologists, also three different ones, have been clucking about the swelling for years. NOT ONE OF THOSE SIX DOC’S voiced any cause and effect until I spoke with a different doc about a procedure they wanted me to have and she asked about any leg swelling. I answered in the affirmative, then explained that it was a known side effect of the BP med. I read up on all meds that Doc’s prescribe because I don’t trust them to tell me everything there is to know about anything. They go by The Standard of Care, regardless, because that’s the way they don’t get sued.

    Next time I saw my current Pri Care doc, who I’ve been seeing twice a year for four years, she looked at the swelling and said “that’s a side effect of the BP med you’re on”. I assume she read the notes from the Doc I talked with about the procedure and light dawned on marble head and maybe she actually looked up the info to see if what I expressed was correct. I looked at her and said “So after four years of seeing you and 15 years of being on this med, YOU PEOPLE are just now getting around to telling me this? By the way Doc, I already knew that. I discovered it 14 years ago because I looked up side affects of the med online after I noticed some swelling, which had never been there before I started taking this med.”

    She didn’t say anything. Just moved on to the results of my recent blood work.

  17. If you’re feeling fine, fphuchk the witch doctors. Take two aspirin and never call them.

    Evil Franklin

  18. No shit. I fired my whiteman doc. I go see a medicine man doc now

  19. I had a doc that would give me a different set of pills at each visit. BP and cholesterol and tri-glycerides and migraines, etc., etc. It was always: “Let’s try this and see how it works. See you in six weeks.” He retired and the new doc says: “Just diet and exercise.” I like this one.

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