10 thoughts on “The Tactical Hermit’s Latest, Haiti Is What They Have Planned For Us

  1. Unfortunately for us, this is the crucible of the “culling of the herd” that we will have to survive. Most won’t live to see what is on the other side, but the old world order will have to burn in order to depose the psychopaths in power. Make your plans accordingly.

  2. Main difference is that in Haiti, the proles aren’t armed, though I’ve read articles about vigilante groups going after the bangers too – that was before things escalated to the current situation.

    That said, I sure would like to get away from where I now live, and reside somewhere a lot more redneck. I’m saving up, but not fast enough.

  3. As I read the post, I was thinking “that wouldn’t fly around here”…. they would be dropped where they stood…. might take a little time to get it started (time for a few good ‘ol boys to show up) , but it would be seconds to get it ended…

  4. yeah. the cities and burbs are going to get right sporty here soon.
    and given the level of anti white hate they ginning up non stop it will be real sporty
    when it does kick off. we have to make sure enough of us are let afterwards to hunt down the assholes that did this and repay them for all that they have done.
    more and more I am very glad I made the move to the hills before this shit got started. and there are a lot of liked minded people around me here.
    I have talked to a few of them about getting and stocking more food and ammo.
    I get the nasty feeling we going to need it.

  5. Blue cities with lots of youts, yep. Out here in red back country, not so much. Deer and coyotes are just practice.

  6. Went for a drive today to see what I could see. And if I saw a caribou, well I have a tag. I rode over 150 miles and I didn’t pass a car or see another human being. It is still snowing, temperatures are still in the single digits and I come home and the fires out and the house is 58 degrees. Nobody wants to be where I am and I like it that way. The only thing I’m worried about is my family and friends living up and down the east coast. All are blissfully ignorant about what may be coming.

  7. IMHO, what’s going to kick of sporty times here is when the debt bubble pops. I’ve read several articles in the last couple weeks about that happening sometime in the next 2-3 years.

    As to having the n-words and other darkies kicking off the sportiness here? NFW. Big difference between here and Haiti is Haiti’s population is either black or some derivation of black/native with all that entails for adherence to western norms. 11 million people, eighty fifth largest country population wise, crammed into an area the size of Maryland, whose population is ~half of Haiti’s. Haiti has almost NONE of Maryland’s infrastructure to support their population. Then people here wonder why Haitians would want to leave “paradise”.

  8. The upside to this is that the shitlibs all up and down the west and east coasts, who overwhelmingly vote democrat, are going to get every single bit of the diversity and cultural enrichment they were so sure they wanted that they wished violence and death on anyone who didn’t.

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