3 thoughts on “The Stark Truth Of The State Of The Nation In One Meme

  1. Put that way, it looks like it’s time to take out the Gubmint and get one that ain’t broke.

    Who’s with me?

  2. No need to imagine, it’s on display, in plain sight so clear that Stevie Wonder can see it from space.

    As long as there is some sense of normalcy, food in the stores, gas at the pumps, jobs to be had, and money to (almost)cover the bills, The bread and circuses continue unabated,

    The rampant thievery and corruption, aided by the media whores that feed a continuous stream of lies, misrepresentations, manufactured crises, and distractions of every possible description. This gaslighting will continue and will ramp up to cover the blatant con-job until the wheels come off, and the powers that be jet off to their private bunkers.

    When it all collapses, Cities will become a hellscape of unimaginable horrors in a matter if hours, making Mogidishu and Port-au-prince seem mild in comparison. Best case scenario is that some degree of local control prevails in a majority of small communities, most likely led by constitutional sheriffs and local elected officials. This will be widely varying depending where you are at the time.

    The folks currently providing the cover and distraction will not be on the flight manifests, and will be among the first to face the angry mobs. Hiding behind “journalism” won’t provide any relief. The “loyal” followers that find themselves suddenly thrown to the wolves will attempt to bargain their way out, and will reveal locations of their former masters. Hunting season will be on, no bag limits

    Hope I’m wrong,

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