19 thoughts on “The Same As The Name Of This Blog, Good Buddy

  1. I remember the CB craze. Used to hear ads on the radio for ’em – “Say hello on a Kraco!” You could drive down to Schuck’s Auto Parts and buy all that shit. I never did. I do have a couple now – they were freebies, and I have yet to turn them on. One of these days, I ought to do that – see whether they work at all. But I don’t have a proper antenna for that band. I do amateur radio – lots more you can do with it.

  2. Hayhauler was my handle. From my days hauling hay of course. I was 13 when I started and was lifting 175# of alfalfa bales up over my head at 14 and stacking them.

    I have two CBs, one in truck and one in my trailer. Had them tuned and a 500W amp on the truck rig.

  3. “High Tech Redneck”, some shortened it to “Neck”

    On one job it was “Weasel” I found a weasel that had been flattened by a haul truck except for his tail. It was sticking straight up and I grabbed it and hung it from the company truck rear-view mirror.

  4. There’s nobody here for me to talk to and the dog said no more things in the house that make noise. She likes her peace and quiet in her old age.

  5. Had the handle Black Jack back in the day when all of my friends and I had C.B.s I have some radios around here down in the grouch cave someplace no antennae though have a few handheld C.B.s as well .

  6. Dang! Have 2 units collecting dust since late 70’s. and a newer one bought at auction for 5 bucks cause it was Amazon DOA that customer returned. Took an hour to find the fault and fix it. Alls I need now is a 1KW amplifier 😉

    Yogi – smarter than the average bear, Heh!

  7. MacGyver…

    …And yes, I’m STILL ON THE AIR!!!

    Uniden Bearcat 980 SSB in the commuter, a Galaxy Pluto AM/FM/SSB (yes, I said FM) in the pickup, and a Cobra 138XLR SSB at the base.

    …Stay away from the Uniden Bearcat 980… It’s a real hit & miss radio. The one in my commuter is great. I’ve been using it for years. I had one in the pickup as well. It didn’t last six months…

  8. “Roadapple” – Amish horse mine. Put a newer model in my truck. Paid more for the antenna than the radio.

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