They have absolutely nothing to campaign on except stupid shit 3/4’sof the country could care less about.
They just do not comprehend the things the Average American is most concerned about.

That would be the Number One concern on the list.
Followed by food insecurity violence, drugs, the homeless problem in the cities that has spilled over into Suburbia, the sexualization of our children, the U.S. Government targeting Americans for political purposes, the continuing Jab Fiasco that they are doubling down on and the literal threat of Nuclear War these insane psycopaths keep playing with.
Not to mention the never ending war on our right to self defense.
We DO NOT, give a fuck about Ukraine, what the hell you claim your pronouns are, what you think about our beliefs and traditions, your precious electric vehicles, whatever the hell Greta Thornburg has to say about ANYTHING or what any rock star, actor or sportsball player thinks either.
You can take every bit of that and put it right back into those niche magazines you used to love where they belong and get it the hell out of our faces.
We know damn good and well that Trillions of dollars of the crap they call money has been stolen out from under us and not only do we want that back, we want all the stuff fixed that it was supposed to be used for in the first place.
As far as I’m concerned the right to cast a vote for anything in this country is sacrosanct and ANY conviction for vote tampering, rigging or falsification should be met with a mandatory life prison sentence at hard labor with zero chance of parole.
Those found guilty of messing with National Elections should be hung by the neck until dead and their surviving relatives billed for the expense.
Right this minute the Democrats are already trying to steal the votes, again.
If we show up in enough numbers to make it physically impossible to rig, maybe we can start throwing some of these fuckers in the slammer where they belong and then chase the rest of them back into their Safe Spaces to start plotting their next move.
That would MAYBE, give us enough breathing room to start rooting this corruption out and taking care of those responsible.
A guy can dream but I do not see any of that happening in the near future.
The reality I see for most of us is staying so busy we can’t see straight just trying to survive the next few years.
Pain hunger and hardship are going to be the order of the day for the forseeable future.
The entire future of the United States as a viable county is very much going to be a major concern but no matter what transpires, We, The People will find ways to be around when the dust settles.
Because we are made of stubborn stuff.
The whole time we are being run around and put through the wringer, we will be spending our spare time finding ways to put sticks through the spokes of the wheels the assholes who think they can rule over us are rolling around on.
Because that’s how we roll.
Well said sir!
Until both political party’s stop feeding from the same trough, it’s doubtful anything will get better. Politicians main goal is to stay in power and not rock the boat too much lest they get banished to having get a gig as a lobbyist. The whole political game long ago ceased to be about “public service” and became a career for the otherwise employable.
An honest politician is the one who stays bought when you buy them..
Should read unemployable, not employable. Stupid fingers
Confiscating the Millions they have gotten by insider trading, selling favors, etc, used to Do in America what needs done For Americans sounds good too. Some Asset Forfeiture seems reasonable.
I’m Sure Pelosi can find a nice sidewalk duplex to move into.
An excerpt from libertystorch.info:
The destruction of marriage and the assault on the traditional family.
The normalization of homosexuality and deviant sex generally.
The replacement of education by political indoctrination.
The normalization of various forms of intoxication.
The promotion of transgenderism and other departures from sanity.
The promotion of “victims” and “disadvantaged” as having rights superior to normal Americans.
The insistence that honest men (or “society”) are responsible for the actions of criminals.
The assault on the right to self-defense.
The insistence that noticing the consequences of Leftist policies is “racism.”
As much as I want to get this shit show corrected, as many of us do, and by that I mean about 70 Million people, I also do not want to, because the ugliness will be at least 3 orders of magnitude, and very few people are grounded enough to accept that level of blunt reality.
we need to make lists of all the inside the beltway assholes who are behind all of this shit. names and pictures of them. they must not escape. a lot of them will try though. any cash you may have should be turned into goods. food, fuel and anything else you may want/need here in the future.
get spare parts for your weapons you might need. ammo is always a good idea, as
long as you have the will to use it.
Let’s roll. If the ballot box doesn’t do the trick, the cartridge box will have to do.
It’s gonna have to; the soap box and the jury box have failed too.
The left doesn’t care what most of us think, believe or want. Why should they.
With ‘mail in voting’, Dominion Voting systems, George Soros funded County Clerks everywhere and the lame stream media whores firmly on their side they don’t NEED to worry about the hoi polloi. They PROVED in 2020 they can decide who wins an election. They will prove that again this year.
While I acknowledge what is coming I sure as hell am not looking forward to it. Those who haven’t truly studied the subject have no idea just how bad these thing turn out to be. And that goes double for the idiots in charge who are driving us over the cliff.
Thjere’s a meme floating around out there somewhere, I forget where and I saw just a bit ago, that’s captioned “Since CONgress(my spelling for that not so august body of thieves) doesn’t read bills before they pass them, let’s slip in term limits in the next one.”
More like 108 years. 1913 was a bad year thank you mr. wilson. Income tax and the federal reserve were created
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AMEN sir! I have to say that my favorite line of your rant is to bill the family members for the removal of those involved in election theft. If we are to punish those in power for their illicit activities we’ll need to hit them where it hurts most. In their wallets!
Not only do we not care for their moronic causes but we also want the money back they spent on them. The $67 BILLION we sent to Ukraine WITHOUT any accountancy NEEDS to either be accounted for OR sent back. The American taxpayer is NOT a slushfund for your retirement funds and to help purchase corrupt countries pension funds. The latter is where part of that money went.