15 thoughts on “The Reality Of It

  1. I gave up and cut them all out of my life a year and a half ago. All family sadly. They want to support tyranny and communism then can do it without me in their life.

    • yeah, I figured that out a few years ago. made some plans and managed to move to a cabin in the woods. very few people from my old life know where I am these days. I have one friend I still trying to get out of harm’s way. he still working trying to reach some “magic number” to retire with. still has big bucks in the bank (??) and whatever. I don’t get it, he hates his job. the people he has to work with hate him. but the money is good ?
      and yet, every time I get off the phone with him, I think I wasting my breath trying to get him to retire. just makes no sense to me at all. I think he still thinks it like the 1990’s or something.

  2. The bitch of it is, those same people are gonna be knocking on your door to save them or feed and bed them in your house. Gotta get a hard heart real fast and look out for the ones that are aware and doing something along with you and reject the bullet sponges. You may have to shoot your brother, your sister, family and lost friends. They will certainly sink you, because while you are trying to save them, they will be questioning and arguing over every little detail and will not listen or follow orders. When the shit gets evenly spread about the whirly blades there has to be one leader, only one and his/her authority cannot be questioned. Only one remedy, banishment or Plata o plomo.

    • My parents in their 80’s are strident CNN watchers and Biden supporters. They are all in with the deathvax and save the UA too. I don’t talk politics with them any more, I figure they just need to live out their lives as comfortably as possible. I resist the urge to get angry when my mother can’t comprehend why something bad is happening in Clownworld and asks me why it is happening. I was able to talk my sister out of the deathvax, but that is the only win I have been able to claim with my family. Aside from avoiding the jab, she is uninterested in any kind of preparations, precautions, or changes to her routine that might keep her alive. They all still live in the big blue hive complete with large alien invader arrivals in close proximity. My parents will only be able to flee and leave their material possessions behind for the invaders if they leave before a collapse. which I’m certain they will not do. My sister might be able to make it here to my war farm, but she is also unlikely to go until it is too late. I try not to think too much about what is likely to happen, but I would be delighted if they all came here as refugees. If that happens, I will most certainly be in charge and there will be no Marxist drivel tolerated under my roof. They will be very firmly instructed in how they enabled the destruction of America through a lifetime of voting for Communists, and after that talk takes place, there will be no need to bring it up again. I don’t really think events will play out that way though.

    • Yeah, I have extended family that are only minimally into prepping, if at all. Fortunately for me, the nearest is a couple hundred miles away, and most much further.
      My biggest threats are “neighbor Nancy” showing up at the door with her hungry kids asking for handouts, or “Officer Friendly” of the local gendarmes saying “you need to help the community with your preps.” For NN, our answer is “we gave our charity buckets to XYZ church in town. You need to go talk to pastor ABC.” For OF, it’ll be “Come back with a warrant.” I’ve made the point many times to the few like minded preppers and my wife that our stash would not feed this town for a day. For OPSEC, very few even know that I’m into prepping, let alone what I have stashed out of sight.

  3. Did that to my mom over the phone before Christmas.

    I did a listing of the realities, and all she could say was, “Well, why didn’t the media report it?” And then I did a whole focusing on how the media has lied to us for over a 100 years. And all she could say was, “Well, why didn’t the media report it?”

    She hates Trump so I hit her with the facts. Most unracist racist ever, considering all the awards he got from various black organizations and opening up the membership of Mar-a-Lago to everyone. And so on and so forth. She didn’t know that Trump finally moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, which was voted in by Congress in the 80’s… “Why didn’t the media report it?”

    Like the thing with the FBI raid, where the FBI knew exactly where to look and what to look for because the National Records people were there two weeks prior and reported what all Trump had and told Trump to lock it up in a closet, please. “Why didn’t the media report it?”

    Sigh. That was a tough two hours…

  4. I done screwed up and married a blue. Her blue extended family over the past weekend all joking about Trump’s trials. All vaxxed to the max and pushing for more as often as possible. None of them aware of the invasion across all borders, none aware of jab stuff. Kids poisoned with their BS too. Living in a deep blue craphole north of our host. Coworkers completely oblivious. Only one neighbor I know of to commiserate with. Neighborhood was cased by a couple of Guatemalans the other day, looking at the juicy cars and yards and houses full of oblivious people. Supermarkets now full of unfamiliar people who don’t speak any English and who are spending a lot on food. At the range about 1/3 of the people there spoke no English yet had access to weapons.

    Not a good tactical situation.

    • Okay, who are you and what did you do to the original Phil. You will have to use another name as this one is taken on this blog and I will enforce that rule with an iron fist of bannerhood!

  5. Anyone who hasn’t seen the current t insanity and woken up is probably brain dead and beyond hope. Circle the wagons and prepare for what’s coming…because it is coming.

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