The Never Ending Psyop

The entire world is getting blasted with propaganda, misinformation and outright lies 24/7 on every media outlet there is right now.

You can’t believe a damn thing you hear or especially, see, right now.

It’s coming from all sides and even from sources not directly affected by the turmoil.

The narrative changes, the supposed evidence being presented changes and things that some people swear are true one minute are proven as completely false two minutes later.

At this point it’s all a sickening display of one upsmanship as to who can come up with the most disgusting and horrifying claim the fastest with the most gory pictures to back up their claims.

I have watched people try and use video clips from years ago as proof of some horrifying shit that is going on right now and get called out for it, yet not even bother being ashamed or removing it.

At this point, until I see something verified and corroborated by multiple sources over the course of a 24 hour period, I’m not believing a God Damned thing I see or hear.

The only thing I know for a fact is that this whole thing over in Israel and Palestine is a giant False Flag.

Jesus himself couldn’t convince me that the Israeli’s were caught completely off guard by the attacks by Hamas the other day right after that treasonous piece of shit FJB gave Iran 6 billion dollars to go play with.

Not a fucking chance their Iron Dome was inoperable, their radar was off, their lookouts were caught flat footed and their intelligence agencies were asleep at the wheel for all that.

Un Fucking Possible.

If anything, the Israeli’s should have been on High Alert for what should have been highly anticipated shenanigans.

This whole scenario stinks to high heaven.

28 thoughts on “The Never Ending Psyop

  1. There are a lot of good conservative/right wing/ whatever people that don’t see they’re being played.
    There are some salivating at the prospect of destroying Iran and Gaza. Just like the rabid dogs they want to put down so badly, they’re behaving like unhinged leftists.
    When something seems improbable, it should be questioned. That is how we find the truth.
    When you get close to the truth, or find it, you will be criticised, villified and told you’re a conspiracy theorist. Don’t fall for it. It just means you’re on the right track.

    Oh, and don’t believe a word of what the government and mainstream media tell you.

    • And know this. Israel supplies gaza with their electricity, water, and food.

      Mossad created Hamas to counter arafat and the PLO

  2. They were apparently warned by egypt about this beforehand:
    “Israel’s failure to anticipate the Hamas terror attacks came despite warnings from Egypt that “something big” was about to happen, according to an intelligence officer from the go-between nation.”
    True or not I don’t know. But I am with you there is no way they didn’t something about something.

    • And the Israeli PTB were making noises about two weeks ago about “loosening gun regulations” in anticipation of Arab violence during the High Holidays.

  3. yup. and people wonder why I got rid of my last TV set over 25 years ago too.
    your right, there is no way in hell they did this shit without inside help or something. figured the “powers to be” let it happen at worse.
    but for everything to fail like it did ? no fucking way.
    besides, I learned not to trust the “news” back in the early 1970’s with “Walter”
    I told my parents the fucker was lying back then.
    so, yeah. right.

  4. From one of the News sites I watch (that I trust), they interviewed someone who mentioned that they themselves don’t know if they were hacked by Iran (or someone else) that took their systems down or if there is an internal intelligence operative that compromised their network. But it sure does seem strange.

    • Yes. They’re a lot like American high-security jails holding pedo-traffickers in that regard.

  5. I was in Israel as a subject mater expert on a system that was being installed back in 08 when I was in my late 40’s. When I was outside of my hotel room I had a 20 year old IDF or Massad female who was my constant companion. She acted like arm candy but she was armed to the max. She had the looks and the body but was all business. Airport security was the strangest I had ever encountered. They profiled and did it well.

    This attack on a anniversary of a war would have additional security. Everybody knows the followers of Mohamed like to use important dates to commit subsequent attacks. This does not pass the smell test. I think the Israeli let this happen. It will result in a cleansing of the West Bank.

  6. This was not a “false flag” event. To call it one would imply that someone other than Hamas committed this act and “framed” Hamas for it. Hamas ACTUALLY committed this attack.

    This was more of a Black Swan event. Those in power knew it was likely to happen at some point and may have even knew enough ahead onf tme to prevent it but did nothing because the event occurring serves their agenda.

    It’s unlikely that Hamas and Iran could have planned and prepared for an event this large without the CIA/NSA knowing it was coming. But it was kept secret so that people in power coul use the tragedy as an excuse to do something.

    The question is exactly what are they trying to do using this attack as justification and who was involved. You can bet this attack isn’t all that’s coming. An what that have planned and hope will come to pass will not be pleasant for us.

  7. i agree 100%. and don’t think for a moment that the same threat is not already here in our country just waiting for the signal to go.
    i’m ready for the False Flag events to come before the 2024 election. keep your head on a swivel, stay away from crowds, and be ready to protect your family and communities when it does happen.

    • and today, 10/11/23, Khalid Mashal the leader and founding member of Hamas gave a speech today asking Muslims all around the world to do the following;
      To show anger, especially next Friday, in Muslim countries and Also among Muslim diaspora around the world; he called it “the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood”, he said this will send a message of rage to Zionists and to America.
      The most important thing: He asked all Muslims around the world to carry Jihad by their souls; to fight and be martyrs for Al-Aqsa.
      He wants Muslims to fight against the Jews, starting with Muslims who live in the countries surrounding Israel: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt (but also other countries), to go to the borders and try to enter, each by his own means. He said: This is the time for Jihad to be applied on the ground rather than just in theory. He asked the Mujahedeen to go in long caravans to spell their blood on the land of Palestine.
      These are his final words:
      Funds are important but today we are asking for your blood and souls [to be sacrificed for Palestine.
      i would call that a direct threat. keep your powder dry.

  8. The bafflegab types are having a field day at the moment. Have to wait until they find something else to yammer about. I can think of a couple of possibilities: complacency – yeah, an attack is coming but they’ll come at us in the same old way and we’ll beat them in the same old way; a Lusitania event – allowing the attack to take place during a peace rave event where rich kids from several countries will be attending, all while knowing how they will be treated…great way to gen up support for a new MIC money laundering scheme. I’m sure there are a number of other possibilities, as well as some combination thereof.

  9. Nothing is as it seems, ever. We are looking through a glass, darkly. The psycops, manipulations, disillusionments, and treachery continue unabated by TPTB. Keep your head on a swivel. Watch your six. And exercise situational awareness on a macro and micro level. Prep and pray.

  10. A good rule of thumb is to assume the official narrative is the opposite of reality. I find it strange that when Jews are killed it’s a “holocaust” but when non-Jews are killed they are simply dead people. smh Fuck ’em and feed ’em fish.

    • “People”? What on earth makes you think they’re people? It’s just a bunch of dead subhuman vermin.

  11. And the American People have forgot all about pedo joe, hunter , the millions of ILLEGALS swarming the border, 25% inflation. It’s like they planned it that way.

  12. What I find most amazing about the current diversion in the middle east is that the same people who have spent the past 3 or 4 years calling out the MSM as liars and government operatives all of a sudden believe everything they are being told by the same criminal operatives. All parties involved in the mess are known to lie and fake videos and scenes, MOSAD is known for committing atrocities against its own people to make the current narrative work in their favor.
    I won’t believe any of what is being “reported” by anyone until someone I know personally confirms that he has seen it with his own eyes. Until then, all of this is just a pilot for a new TV series.

  13. same ol muslim vs jews, nothing new other than how it’s spun

    they hate jews but hate America even more…BMB

  14. I put up a comment at BCE’s place that I’ll copy here:
    Another tie-in that I haven’t seen voiced anywhere else is that Israel has one of the highest “vaxed” rates of any country anywhere. What better way to distract attention from the “excess death” rates than an existential war. With the otherwise young and healthy starting to “die suddenly” in ever greater numbers, this shi*tshow is just the ticket.
    The evil depopulationists don’t care which of the Four Horseman wreak their havoc, any and all of them will do.

  15. I read of a guy from the USA who toured Israel by bicycle. He had the whole kit on his bike, with the touring bags (paniers) hanging off the backrack. He went into a cafe for coffee. When he came out he was immediately arrested for “leaving luggage unattended.” He was unaware that it was illegal to do so. He explained his way out of it. The point is this; there is NO.FUCKING.WAY this caught Israel “by surprise.”

    Folks, we’re being dragged into another “forever war” in Iran. The writing is on the wall.

  16. Very few have noted that the Israeli intelligence services have been infiltrated over the past two decades by the same leftist “the Islamists really don’t hate us and want to kill us” group that have recently been protesting against Netanyahu.

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