The MSM Would Never Allow This To See The Light Of Day Here And Quite Frankly, I Am Amazed The British Did Because There Are Some Bombshell Claims Here

You have to listen closely to what she says because she makes some claims that have been derided as Conspiracy Theories for years that no one has dared speak about out loud and no media outlet in this country would allow to be spoken of anyway.

YMMV but even if 10% of what she says is true then there is a MONSTER Shit Storm coming and it would go a long ways towards explaining some of the weird shit we have seen since day 1 of the Biden pResidency.

12 thoughts on “The MSM Would Never Allow This To See The Light Of Day Here And Quite Frankly, I Am Amazed The British Did Because There Are Some Bombshell Claims Here

  1. I had no problems taking in what she says, Phil. We’ll see what comes of the court case, but if the Deep State plays by the rules it’ll be for the first time.
    I still reckon that it’s like watching a slow motion train wreck, the openly in-your-face Communist usurpation of your Constitutional Republic.
    Frankly, I’m amazed at the patience shown by both the real power in the great Uniparty with their pretence of playing by the rules despite the openly rotten system that your two party state has devolved to, and the world’s most well-armed voters, patriotic Americans.
    I also can’t help thinking that the lid on the pressure cooker that is the US is going to blow, but when? A few classes of people are going to get a rude shock, mostly the welfare moochers, also the non-political ‘normies’ who’re going to have to stop straddling the fence, and especially the useful idiots of the Left who will find out in an unpleasantly hard way how life really works.
    Those millions of military-age single men who’ve crossed your border in recent years, the criminals and private military among them (surely funded by Soros, Rothschild et al) must have plans for you and your family and friends. I hope that you have plans for them too, but don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s going to be a picnic, most have lived hard lives and won’t leave willingly or without causing casualties among those that you care for. The mercenaries and military among them are likely already in their tactical and/or strategic positions. Where are your readers: tied down by their jobs, home and family, the very things they’re striving to protect are preventing them from getting ready.

    • guess we know now why they pushing for gun control again.
      they want a list of who has what and where we all live now.
      buy more ammo now. and get some serious medical gear as well.
      as for the blowing the lid off in this country, I am kind of amazed it hasn’t blown up yet. not so much as if ,but more like when.
      keep stocking up on everything you might need/want while you still can. as we used to say, “check six”

      • Remember, cash is king. Don’t use any credit/debit/EFTPOS cards or anything that leaves a paper or electronic record of your purchases. It’s imperative to hide from AI as much as you can, so even if it costs to withdraw from an ATM, obtain cash to conduct legal transactions for all your necessities.
        The only other safe means is by bartering for goods.

  2. WTF ? well, if even a bit of that is true, they will stop at nothing to remove him.
    as there are trillions on the line and these people are not going to let that go without a fight.
    I hope he got some damn good bodyguards around him and his family.
    then again, they could always used a drone strike or missile attack too.
    so, either we going to see a really big false flag attack or something like it.
    so the clowns in “charge ” have a reason to declare martial law and lock everyone down while they “clean up this mess”.

  3. If even 10% isn’t true, I’d be surprised. It is SO much worse and deep, that most people would lose their sanity if they knew.

  4. Trump may be able to subpoena people but the judge presiding has the power to squelch ANY evidence or testimony they choose to. Which means NOTHING Trump does will see the light of day. The results of ALL of this has long been preordained.

    • Never count on the to not screw up things. Preordained doesn’t mean it’s going to be successful. Which also means just because something is supposed to happen doesn’t mean it won’t be FUBAR.

  5. God listening to this guy every night would be worse than listening to Lying Lester on NBC every night.

  6. Sorry, but as soon she said Biden is the legitimate president, I turned it off. Everything she could say after that is null and void. She has no legitimacy herself if she thinks Biden is actually the president.

    • There’s a dichotomy there, all right. She’s up on all the tricks the Democraps/Marxists/Communists have pulled, yet she makes a statement like that. Brain fart? Deliberate mis-speak?

      Dunno. But you can rest assured that the Libtard “News” anchors are in the tank for Bribem’!

    • He is he took the oath of office, if you are I would have elbowed our way up to the line and took the oath we would be president. Yes there’s a procedure that’s supposed to Define and list how to get to the point of taking me off but the oath is what makes you president of the federal government of the United States. So is painful as it is he is the president because he took the oath of office

  7. No one is coming to save you. There are lots of these things floating around, aimed in part at keeping your hope alive, to keep you peaceful, to distract you from preparing for what might come.

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