2 thoughts on “The “Leader ” Of The Free World

  1. in case you haven’t noticed, we are the ones living in this hell
    the part I find funny, is that people think they just going to vote these assholes
    out ?
    yeah, right. it would be a good idea for you to start thinking about plan b or c.
    the left has never given up power without a fight. and yet, everyone thinks we just going to “vote” them out ?
    I hope so. but if history is anything to go by, we are fucked.
    just look at all of the illegals they have BROUGHT in. and 80-90% male of fighting /military age too ? another thing about history, Merc armies have turned on their paymasters before. this is not going to end like they planning it will.
    you going to need a lot more ammo and hard friends than you realize now.
    BTW, food has long been the choice of weapons used by tyrants.
    stock up while you can, get extra weapons for those that need them.
    might as well use your dollars before they become useless .

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