The Law Of Averages Says This Would Happen Eventually


There appears to be some confusion regarding this incident. Yes, I agree: it was a cluster fuck… They are not serving a warrant, though. They responded to an individual with multiple firearms making suicidal and homicidal threats. His mother called the cops on him. That’s all.

So the cops sent in a Swat team who broke down the door without identifying themselves and suffered 3 casualties because the guy shot at people breaking his door down.

Some welfare check eh? Who knows if any of these casualties were caused by Friendly Fire?

Now they are trying to charge him with pre-meditated murder amongst other things.

39 thoughts on “The Law Of Averages Says This Would Happen Eventually

  1. Not an expert on these situations but this isn’t how to approach someone with guns who is suicidal and homicidal, especially if Mom is AT the house. Keep Mom on the phone, get her to give the phone to the guy and TALK.

    This is a job for the unarmed ‘Violence Interrupters’ who replaced police during the Defund Movement.

  2. About ten years ago in my rural county a drama queen wife made a 911 call about her distressed husband brandishing a “gun”. The Sheriff called in a SWAT team from the next bigger county. They whacked the guy at his front door. Turns out that his ” gun” was a .177 pump air rifle. God damn fuckers.

    The only good thing that came out of it was our Sheriff lost the next election.

  3. Did they send him boxes full of ‘secret’ documents that they now wanted back?

  4. I just don’t understand where the no knock/ no identify stuff still happens. Yelling Police your bashing door down to hard? Do not have warrant…. go get one and come back. They don’t have a duty to protect you so why the frak do they go to extremes when they get a call.

  5. Remember, all of the orcs have families. Just a matter of time before someone with skills decides to exploit that. Anonymously, all over the country.

  6. FAFO. Not quite the same when they shoot back now is it Skippy? Team cohesiveness evaporated with the first shot.

  7. It is clear that the govt at all levels does not like the people having weapons. If they can use any excuse to rid that person of the weapons or get rid of the person it is better for the govt.

  8. How long before people start making fake calls to lure these guys into prepared ambushes?

    We’re all familiar with “swatting” where someone sics SWAT on a person they don’t like, in hopes that SWAT will kill the guy. What will be the term for targeting SWAT itself? Or is this already A Thing.

    • That’s been happening, that calling in to set up an ambush, for at least 10 years, more like 15. Very common in urban areas.

    • Should be all kinds of lessons that our guys should be learning sadly most just crack another beer and go back to watching sportsball…

    • I heard there are neighborhoods in Chicago and Detroit where that was done. Now the cops don’t even respond to calls there.

  9. Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Lookit me in all my tacticool gear woo hoo we gets to shootem up some bad guys!!!!

  10. and this is the mind set your facing now. they want to play solider. fine.
    all of the toys and none of the brains. their problem will be that a lot of us know how to play that game as well. chances are the “guy” fired with a handgun.
    not a rifle. if he was using a rifle, there be a lot more of them on the ground.
    we where taught at full auto was a waste of ammo 99% of the time.
    and you can shoot just as fast with semi auto. don’t need a bump stock or anything
    stupid like that. train and learn how. like doing double taps, just a few more of them. and why didn’t they call and try to talk to the guy ? or at least knock on the door ? NO. they brought this on themselves by going this way.
    just really stupid in MHO

  11. Rule #1: Never call the cops. There is no situation that their presence will not make worse.

    Don’t like where things are headed. These guys turn their families into legitimate targets. How can they be that friggin’ stupid?

  12. Apparently they had tried repeatably to contact him by phone even throwing in a phone. No one was killed but as to no knock it would appear if they were able to toss a phone he already knew the police were there.

    • I didn’t see a phone during the video. So, when did they toss the phone in? Was it during the shooting? Or was it after I heard them say, “he’s down.”

  13. There’s a Meme where a guy in Camo with a Rifle is hiding in the Woods, grinning, and the Caption is “Watching the fedbois kick in the neighbor’s door because he didn’t know I was using his Wi-Fi.”
    You could have a twofer by Eliminating the neighborhood ‘Karen’ and some thugpigs as well.

    Or imagine, if you will, an abandoned House, rigged for Ambush, with IED’s or Flame Fougasses, couple of calls to the piggies with Burn Phones acting out an Argument with Gunshots, screaming and cussing. Sit back and Watch the Entertainment…

  14. I Have no sympathy for their police. The American people have been nothing more than target practice. We see the abuse on a daily basis on many blogs. Cutting your own grass, repairing your car, eating lunch can all result in you not seeing tomorrows sunrise. Burn rubber on a street painting of a pride flag results in a manhunt. Our fun meter has been pegged far too long by the American Stasi. Two well placed people in ghille suits could deal a lot of destruction to this fire team.

    • Yea and when they are only in it for a paycheck they will scatter and run and will be easy pickings…

  15. Hmmmm. A few thoughts…

    00 Buck and a semi-auto shotgun, and the lead team members are dead meat. Slugs work even better.
    Then you can switch to the long gun and start picking off the rest of the SWAT.. Reload with armor-piercing and get the clown in the Swat Tank.
    Always keep moving. Don’t go *near* the windows, shoot them from farther inside so they can’t really see you.
    Your life is forfeit, take as many as you can with you. No prisoners, no wounded.

    Gee, I’m just the Tactical Bluebird of Crapiness, aren’t I?!

    Some things to consider, tactically.

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