9 thoughts on “The Inevitable Payback Has Started

  1. I wish them the best. However, they’re going to be hard pressed to take the country back without firearms.

    Please don’t tell me that the guilty aren’t gong to fight tooth and nail through lawfare any other means, fair or foul, to prevent laws from being changed and the guilty held accountable.

    Remember during Covid when their azzhole police were beating people in the streets with batons for lowering their mask to take a sip on a beer?

    Then there’s the USA. Why do you think the DC machine made lynching a federal crime a couple years ago? They know that eventually they will be held to account, one way or the other and they’re scared shitless. Personally I think they’re effed no matter what happens with the election this year,

    It’s not going to be just politicians that are going to suffer either. All these press people that have been licking Demonrat assholes for years are going to be joining the dance.

    Then there’s the two attempts on Trump’s life. Through the grace of God he has been spared. They are, however, going to keep trying until he’s dead. I hope they don’t succeed because the consequences are going to be dire.

    These dumbasses think Jan 6th was an insurrection.

    They don’t know the meaning of the word.

  2. Hang ’em. Via a short rope, around their neck, from a tall tree. Leave the bones for the buzzards and those that think they might want to try the same thing again.

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