7 thoughts on “The guys right to a certain extent

  1. No, *most* of us are not. To imply that all he sees is faggotry raises the question of WHERE he is getting his information.

    And it’s pretty obvious it’s the MSM.

    • It’s a rhetorical statement and not indicative of each of us personally. It is the perception of these other countries and regions that see us as weak as our “leaders” are, the social media crap and every movie and show on the screen and TV show gays, retards and transgenders, bigenders and freaks. To them our culture is the faggot he proclaims. When strong, white conservative men finally stand up to all of this perversion and a strong, conservative government then we will lose that stigma. It will be with us for a while.

      • Glad you explained that like you did. I was almost agreeing with Igor and then I started getting the shakes and my vision started to blur. I was about to start looking for the socket for my neurolink hookup. I’m sure I’ll be alright after a few pulls of whiskey.

  2. We (meaning western society) deserve what we tolerate. That’s pretty much the crux of most of Dan Peña’s rants.

    If what he says bothers you, ask yourself why.

  3. The East calls us all faggots because we don’t DEAL with them. Why do we tolerate?
    They groom our kids and we do nothing. We are as a society complicit and therefore guilty.

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