The Great Light Bulb Ban Is Now In Effect

Give me a fucking break.

Light bulbs.


They have been around a hundred fucking years and all of a sudden they are some huge fucking problem?

Only in the minds of power mad and really ignorant people.

So of course, just like everything else, The Wifely Unit waits until the last freaking minute to panic.

About light bulbs.

I spent AN HOUR, listening to her demands about what kind of lightbulbs she wanted to panic buy at the last minute and I gotta tell ya, I have never, in my life, seen anyone more anal about what kind of lightbulbs they have to have.

They gotta be GE.

They have to be the EXACT ones that fit her specifications.

Flood lights for the recessed fixtures in the ceiling of the kitchen?

Gotta be GE, gotta be 65 watts and they gotta be BR40, whatever the hell that is.

Has something to do with the physical size or something.

Lemme tell ya something, those were hard to come by last year when I was looking for them locally.

Unobtainium actually.

BR 30?

You could get those by the truckload.

Now? The ones she had to have were $10 each.

The little appliance bulbs that go under the microwave over the stove, bought 16 of those because for some reason it just eats the little bastards.

Had to have GE 65 watt and GE 75 watt bulbs for the bedrooms and porch lights.

We spent $150 on fucking lightbulbs.

I told her she should just get used to the fact that all she is going to get when these are gone is the LED’s.

Oh no, get more.




Is it dark?

Turn on the light.

It don’t fucking matter what it is as long as it isn’t dark anymore.

Because I hate loading mags in the dark, eh?

26 thoughts on “The Great Light Bulb Ban Is Now In Effect

  1. Wait until “THEY” instill “THEIR” digital money system.
    The leftists ALWAYS tell you what they are going to do with “their” society. But they tell you couple of years on advance; so when the edict matures, there’s nothing you can do about it.
    When this light bulb edict was announced; I was sounding the alarm. I questioned the science behind their claims. All that energy I spent fell on deaf ears. And now, heh P A N I C!!!! 20-11!!!! HOLY BUCKETS.!!!
    My feelings? Meh, you idjits can’t see past your steaming cup of artisinal coffee. So deal with it.
    Oh and the new digital version of money? Same reaction. The idjits are more concerned with what that Barbie movie means than what digital money means.

  2. They ( TPTB) invested in the plants that make them and bought stocks in those places too. Therefore they had to remove all other options and force everyone to only buy them. They play the long game. Then if they get a heads up about a supply chain issue or a strike they dump their stocks 2-3 weeks before anyone else even hears about it.

  3. We’ve had more than adequate warning that this was coming down the pike. I have a couple of large cardboard boxes full of incandescent bulbs up in the attic. Enough for a couple decades of replacements. Things may be different after the ‘pockyclips settles out.

    • You too? It would seem that the readers here are Smarter than the Average Bear. Heh
      I gots me 25, 40, 60, and 100 (!) watt, I do!!

  4. Bought a few cartons of 40W and 60W last time they talked of this nonsense. They were of notably lower quality than what used to be available (and I remember when Detroit Edison used to replace them for free). We’ve let it come. How long has it been since you could buy a toilet that properly flushes? Or a good shower-head? Or air conditioning recharge gas? Ol’ FJB is going overboard but it didn’t start with (that SOB) him. Hell, keep the politicians – destroy every damn bureaucrat in every Federal and State agency that deals with “regulations” and “guidance criteria”. Make the politicians actually do their job, not delegate it.

  5. Sometime, just for fun ya know, replace a bulb with an LED of the same lumens and color temperature, and see if she notices.

    I’d promise to visit you in the hospital afterwards, but I don’t live close enough. 🙂

  6. Was she like this with TP? I can only imagine… Wait until they ban non-LED candles, you gonna have a tiger in the tank.

  7. Heh, the wife kept asking me why I always bought light bulbs when I went to the big box store. She understands now…..

  8. Only $100? You got out light, no pun intended. When we bought this place, Every.Single.Fixture was either missing one of more bulbs, had burned-out bulbs, or had the wrong size bulb in it.
    “40Watt Equivalent LED” bulbs don’t do squat to light up a hallway.
    I dropped $500 that day at Home Depot………..

  9. yeah, a friend of mine bought a generator 2 years ago. Honda. a big one
    then started looking for gas cans. he called me up and asked when in the hell
    did they fuck up the simple gas can ? it not a item he needed or used in the last 10 years or so. but he got pissed at the “new model” gas cans.
    managed to get about 10 of those “replacement” kits to convert them to something
    close to the old gas cans though. he a little happier now.

  10. At least you were able to find some in the last days. We’ll all be blind in 2 years because of this freakin LEDS. Not to mention you have to leave the light on longer so it has time to gear up to its full wattage before you can see. So how much juice are you really saving?

  11. I’ve been using mini florescents, daylight spectrum, in all my light fixtures for well over a decade. When I replaced the incandescents, I went up a wattage value because the same wattage equivalent didn’t seem to produce enough light. I have sufficient replacements for those to last the rest of my life, I think. Those mini florescents will be next.

    I tried an LED light in the range hood which I leave on all day and into the night. It didn’t last an hour before it went pppfffzzzttt. ‘Course it was a Chink manufactured brand, from Home Despot, so there’s that. The mini florescents last 5-6 years running ~16 hours/day.

    It’s not going to matter much what kind of bulbs you have in your light fixtures when they turn off the power, which they will, capriciously.

    During the 2011 late October snow storm in New England that downed numerous power line across the region, they turned off the power in my neighborhood at about 5:30PM before any power went out anywhere. It didn’t come back on for 6 days. There were no downed power lines in the neighborhood. Yet, a tenth of mile away, on a major city street, the power remained on the whole time even though that street also has overhead power lines and plenty of trees along the road. The difference? It’s a street lined with businesses, including several gas stations which never had to close and got business from everywhere else in the city that lost power to other gas stations. The lines at the gas stations reminded me of gas rationing lines from the 70’s.

    Did you know that the power company can selectively turn off power to neighborhoods? I didn’t until that event. That was ~250 homes that were without power. I know other regions, like FL and other storm hit regions have experienced longer outages. However, in my 75 plus years this was a distinct exception, as it was a capricious decision by the power company. It reinforced my long held belief that modern life is impossible with electricity.

    • More complex than that, Nemo. Trust me. I’m familiar with distribution systems (power/comms/etc.). The grid is more complex than you think. MY power and a few others on my street were powered when we lost ours due to how 3-phase is distributed to individual “power poles” (the ones with transformers on them).

      Ask a Power Electrical Engineer if you REALLY want details, be prepared for your eyes to glaze over or provide him with a pencil and paper. And your eyes will still glaze over anyway. ;P

  12. Things like this are to strain and exhaust and to irritate average Americans. Cataclysmic deprivations, usurpations and humiliations are coming, sooner or later. Its the communist way. Probably more sooner than later.

    • Likely. GE moved everything to Turkey a couple decades ago because they didn’t like it here.

  13. I’ve switched damn near every bulb in the house to LED. Sucks a LOT less power and you can choose what type of light you want. For those that don’t last that long, look up the hack to get them working again.

    • One of the problems with LED lights they are tuned to the higher blue side of the light spectrum due to the early LEDs to “hum” and a lot less efficient at the lower red side of the spectrum where incandescent bulbs emit. The lower red side is healthier for your eyes as we have evolved to the normal light spectrum of our sun. Blue side is harmful to the rods and cones in the retina and even the fovea(spot in the back of the retina where the visual axis terminates) They have made great strides in opening up LEDs to the lower spectrum, but it still won’t replace that warm glow and health benefit of incandescent, that includes light from the sun and campfires. People don’t like LED lighting, just look at new car headlight and bitch about some ones high beams on and you realize they were on low beams and walk under blue LED streetlights and are uncomfortable.

      • You and l know this, CederQ, but our gentle readers do not realize that our eyes are optimized in the yellow-green part of the spectrum. This is why fluorescents rip up our eyes and incandescent is so easy to tolerate.

        The technology is indeed getting better, though. Did y’sall know the blue LED was the last color to come out? Extra credit if you can tell me WHY. Warning – it’s on the atomic level, better know your Solid State physics.

        • Wasn’t it about the P layer in the stratum? Also almost impossible to grow the GaN crystals in high enough quality?

          • As you go higher in the frequency band, the electrons in the P material start to suffer permanent damage because of the need for higher energy across the PN junction. I used to rip itself apart. Some creative doping and solid state chemical wizardry put a stop to that, that was the Japanese that figured it out. For all you technical guys, the “Proceedings of the IEEE” magazine had an article about it Way Back When describing the phenomenon and the inner workings of how the problem was solved.

            i am constantly amazed at the tireless researchers and scientists and engineers that are continuously making small steps that add up to A Better Life Through Engineering!!

  14. Phil, are you using “Appliance-rasted” bulbs in your appliances? They are sturdier than regular ones and no substitutes should be used. I’m partial to those made by Feit. They seem to be the sturdiest so far.

  15. How about “You should have paid attention and done this shit sooner. We ain’t buying shit.”
    I started buying flats of 60W & 75W bulbs 10 years ago. I quit when I figured I had enough to last us the rest of our lives. Last-minute shit would get shot down mercilessly. I don’t play that panic shit, & my girl is aware of the fact.

  16. I don’t like the LED light one bit either. I do use it in most of my lighting but have never liked it. Lately they do seem to last longer. Previously it seemed I’d get about a year out of a bulb and it would burn out. With a distinct blackened area at the base. I don’t leave lights on anywhere and hate it that a buttload of people have moved out here to the dense woods and cleared and built and put up those f#$& outdoor lights and worse. I have no problem with using lights when doing stuff outdoors… But these bright flood lights and intense street lighting that’s being used all night every night now is fx%&ing ridiculous out here 25 MI from town…
    I do have a few boxes of 60-75-100 watt incandescent bulbs for the intermediate part of chick raising. Depending on ambient temps they are perfect for doing the temperature step down for the chicklets…. I haven’t looked to see if any exception is made for that but its something to investigate. Down here in zone 8b/9a we don’t need so much of the red heat lamps as just a gentle warming for the overnights.

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