The Food Coma Is Imminent

My next to oldest boy took me, his kid and my other son out to lunch at a really nice Mexican food joint over in the mall. When we came out it was just pouring rain so any other plans we had are pretty much shot.

The food was off the charts good and I ate way too much. On the way home with the heater running full blast in the truck, the drowzy started in about a mile from home.

I am going to put my feet up, turn on some tunes, browse the usual haunts and fall asleep very gently.

I hope everyone else is having a great Father’s Day also.

Good night.

10 thoughts on “The Food Coma Is Imminent

  1. Happy Father’s Day, Phil! Mine was just over helping me do some things I’m still not quite able to do.

    Oh, and he did three loads of his laundry, too!

  2. Happy Father’s day, had a super day here in Northern Maine with my grandson and family!! Peace!

  3. From our So. Cal. days, the wife and I call it “Mexican Valium”, knocks yer ass OUT!
    Happy fathers day!

  4. Why were they running the heater in the truck full blast in the middle of June? Are they trying to kill you?

    • It was 54 degrees outside and pouring rain. We got soaked getting from the restaurant to the truck.
      I live in the Pacific North West man, two years ago on June 13th I had ice on the windshield of my truck in the morning. Summer doesn’t officially start around here until July 5th.

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