9 thoughts on “The DemonRats Have A Serious Problem

  1. Worry about the economy/their neighborhoods/their family…..?!

    This man has a lot of nerve!

  2. Donnie Dumpster’s fan boys are going around saying that blacks will be voting for him in record numbers. Sure they will, with a she-boon at the top of the ticket?
    Randall Terry of the Constitution Party will get more votes overall than DD will get votes from the darkies.

    • I told you to change your name. There is a very long time commentator here that uses it and I will not have confusion over it.

  3. If Mrs. Harris is ‘black’, every hindoo in Bangladesh is black.
    May as well add in all the hindoo folk in India and Pakistan.
    An aside:
    Those dang BOLSHEVIKS keep changing definitions.
    Female perverts were ‘homosexual’, but changed their identity to licksbian.
    Male perverts were fruits and fairies, but changed their identity to ‘happy’.
    And Mrs. Harris was not ‘black’ for awhile, but now, she is.

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