In case you have been living under a rock and have not heard of the massive theft of millions and millions of U.S. Taxpayer monies, Investors Monies, the Laundering of said monies from us Taxpayers to Ukraine, who “invested” those monies in FTX Crypto, who’s founder then illegally transferred from people’s (including the Ukranian’s) accounts and then donated back to the Democratic party, who spent $40 MILLION of said dollars on this last election?
Here’s a couple of quick images to help you see what happened.

Now then, back to the headline of this post.
What is the biggest mystery related to this MONSTER of a story?
Why aren’t the Republicans all over every news channel in the world, screaming for investigations, special prosecutors and the paper trail of where every single U.S. dollar of ‘Financial Aid” to Ukraine went?
I mean, I would think that this is a GIMME to hang around the necks of all these DemonRats and would give them the ability to scream to high heaven about the obvious money laundering, illegal campaign contributions, foreign interference, basically the biggest and sharpest stick they have ever had in the history of politics in this country to beat and poke the DemonRats and FJB especially with and all I am hearing is…

Could it possibly be, that this subject is a little sensitive to the Republicans too?
That maybe exposing the soft white underbelly of the way some people have been moving money around might subject both parties to some very seriously unwanted scrutiny?
I wouldn’t bet against that.
Politics is very dirty business. And very expensive. The people that invest in politicians expect a good ROI. This has been true since the beginning of politics, even caveman politics. The billions of dollars being shuffled about via offshore banks electronically and secretly, crypto shenanigans, and “loans” being bought and sold in exchanges are different only in transaction speed, beating the envelope under the table by meer seconds.
Anyone getting involved in politics is well aware of this and is looking for their cut of the action, quid pro quo. Grifters gonna grift.
Here in OK US House District 2, we had two republicans Josh Brecheen and Avery Frix running to replace Rep. Mullin. These 2 made it to the runoff out of 14 who ran in the first primary. Even before the first primary vote, an out of state dark money group called Fund for a working Congress started running radio and TV ads attacking Josh Brecheen. Josh is a country boy. He grew up on a horse and cattle ranch in Coal County. In High School he trained cutting horses for sale. He took advantage of the speaking opportunities offered by FFA. All the guy has ever known is hard work. The ads being run against him in the REPUBLICAN primary were complete BS. All together something like 1.4 million in advertising was spent against him. Of course, it wasn’t paid for by any candidate or candidates committee. But, one Avery Frix stood to benefit from the negative ads against Josh. Josh cleaned his clock in the one debate they had. Josh beat Avery pretty handily and went on to beat a democrat and an independent to win the Congressional Seat with 72% of the vote. What’s funny is the DEM and the IND did zero advertising and the negative ads against Josh stopped after the REP primary. How much of our tax dollars went into trying to get Josh defeated in the primary. I guarandamtee you McCarthy was behind the dark money. Josh is the real deal and will never compromise with the enemy. He is principled and fears God.
When Josh ran for his second term as state senator, there was a Dem name Joe Hill running against him. Some out of state group spent $100,000 that year trying to beat Josh for a state senate seat. The big money people (Bankers) hate him. I fear for his life.
Little Dixie, is he a descendant of Harry “The Cat” Brecheen? If so as a kid I deer hunted on his land. My grandfather was a friend of Harry’s.
I wondered this when I saw his name in the commercials.
that is EXACTLY the problem. didn’t you see the pictures of the rinos meeting zelensky? they couldn’t care less about ukraine or anything else other than themselves. they were only there to make sure their bank stayed open. they’re all human garbage
All are dirty.
Simple really.
And the DOJ/FBI criminals will acquire and destroy the evidece of this corruption. There is NOBODY in a position to hold them accountable who will do so.
the only way anything is going to change here, is if the people get tired of getting fucked by them and change things the old French way. there is plenty of room on the mall for it too.
other than that, I really don’t think anything is going to change.
they sure are not going to clean up their act by themselves.
even the brain dead aoc is worth what 29 million after what 4-5 years. that is how bad the problem is. we are at late stage Roman empire. clowns and horses in congress. morons who should be in rubber rooms are in charge of things they don’t understand.
the cheat is complete now. the only way out of it is blooddave
We need to line ’em all up against the wall.
Y’all know what happens next.
I prefer hanging. You can reuse the rope and save ammo.
BUT, you can reach out and touch someone – usually from 100+ yards.
Try that with a rope.
“In case you have been living under a rock…” Nope, fully aware. But sometimes you just have to crawl under that rock for awhile for a respite from the utter, evil ugliness in the world in order to maintain one’s sanity and perspective. Always looking for the good, the peace, the happiness and the fun in life to counter the fuckening that’s occurring. Keep praying and keep prepping my dear friends.
You skipped a player.
The media.
Much of the money the politicians get goes to fox, CNN, NYT, WaPo, latimes, podunk news and observer and other media in the form of campaign ads.
Why edited anything from them when their livelihood depends on the corruption continuing?
Good point and I saved that graphic for later. THANKS!