The Big Country Clan Can’t Seem To Catch A Break

Billy sent me a link and a request for a repost announcing that his wife Gretchen has been diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer.

Cancer sucks, full stop.

They are going to need financial help with her treatment because like everyone, their health insurance sucks ass for such things.

Here is the link so you can donate.

Prayers are also always appreciated.

Gretchen is a good woman, I really hate to hear such shitty news.

7 thoughts on “The Big Country Clan Can’t Seem To Catch A Break

  1. Just fought my way through the donation page. It took awhile to get past all the scripts that want to run, including the evil fecesbook. I managed to get through it with my script blocker working hard.
    Thanks for the link Phil. We’ll be watching for updates.

  2. My wife went through that 26 years ago. Still sitting beside me tonight. Stage 2B (that’s a way of describing the size of the primary tumor). I’m not going to blow smoke about it being easy; it’s a cast iron bitch. But getting through it is possible and it happens.

  3. Please pass this on to Big Country and his wife. I do not know them despite lurking here since forever.

    Watch this short news story first:
    Next, EDUCATE YOURSELVES! Tons of info on NIH.GOV websites about anti-parasitic drugs and cancer of all kinds. Plenty of info outside of about dosing and protocols. All anti-parasitics are easily available and cheap. I’m talking Fenbendazole and Ivermectin. Couple these with some supplements and dietary changes and you can be 100% cancer free in six months. I believe this is why big brother put up such a shit storm regarding these two drugs calling one of them horse paste during china virus. They can’t have their sheep discovering that cancer CURES have been right under their noses the whole time. I know one person completely cured of stage 3 lung cancer and another who is almost cancer free after being sent home to die with end stage pancreatic cancer. One other person I know is doing chemo and alternating FenBen and IM with astonishing results. Doctors can’t explain their recovery. These three folks have not told their docs about the FenBen and IM. I’m not giving medical advice, simply suggesting you educate yourself and decide for yourself. These two drugs also prevent cancer.

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