The barge in the middle just won the Miss Alabama pageant. No wonder we haven’t heard from Jeffery in Alabama, she ate him! That and at Waffle House a lot!

Notice there are two porkers. What has gotten into those shit-Lib, queer judges? Sorry, that is not beauty in a classical sense. Thanks to the lesser gods there was no swimsuit competition.

23 thoughts on “The barge in the middle just won the Miss Alabama pageant. No wonder we haven’t heard from Jeffery in Alabama, she ate him! That and at Waffle House a lot!

  1. Welcome to clown world. Of Course she’s the prettiest one.
    The world has gone crazy

  2. …. and the other beauty contestants are wondering how much great tasting food was left there while pushing away from supper table and gallons of sweat were wasted in competing with these contestants. They got a right to be pissed !

    Not fat shaming, but they could have a beauty contest of their own. The View must be very conflicted on what side they are on.

  3. I have two reactions: First, unless and until those women who are actually good looking and actual women stop going along with this crap, it wont stop. Two, It’s rather funny to see women who sell out to the idea of beauty with plenty of makeup, breast augmentation, and other plastic surgery whose bodies and faces are not real getting beat out by a hippo like that? Comedy writers couldn’t beat that.

  4. SSSooouuuwwweee huff huff huff SSSooouuuwwweee huff huff huff

    Then people wonder why Red Lobster is going bankrupt. Shrimp are less fattening when you don’t eat a bushel at every meal for eternity.

    Between Bribem and this fat pig is it a wonder why everyone else in the world laughs at us. I suppose it could have been worse. It could have been a man pretending to be a woman and that fat.

  5. I bet the winner hasn’t seen her own feet while standing in many, many years.

    • Would love to have been a fly on the wall back stage in the white girls segregated dressing room

  6. Of course she won…..she’s twice the woman of those other girls.

  7. (Said in the same accent as the housekeeper from the Tom and Jerry cartoons) “She sho’ is an Alabama mammy an’ made when meat was cheap”.

  8. How does she clean her ass? Or is there some small maintenance guy trapped in there scraping the funk out?

    • Why do you insist on asking these questions that no one on this blog really wants to contemplate. Only thing I can fathom is a garden hose on full blast with at least 175 psi used as a makeshift bidet…

  9. The contests are just there to mock attractive white people now. Personally, i thought these things died out decades ago since only gay men watch the televised versions.

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