18 thoughts on “That’s right!

  1. Absolutely correct. In my experience, woman are notorious late arrivers. One of my Aunts was professionally late her whole life. My Dad used to comment that she’d be late to her own funeral.

    I once had a boss who would comment when someone arrived for a meeting within a minute of the appointed time, “You were almost late”.

    • Nemo, dad, a high ranking Air Force officer and 5 years in the Army taught me that if you were on time meant you were late. Ex: 1 PM appointment, you had better arrive at 12:45 at the latest!

      • While she’s not that bad, the Wifey Unit seems to think it’s a Crime Against Humanity to be on time, let alone (*gasp*) early…

        • People who habitually arrive early are a hostess’s nightmare. You’re trying to take care of a dozen last-minute details — make sure the bathroom is clean, put out the snacks, remember where you put the bottle opener, etc. — and then someone decides to show up early and throw a wrench in the works. Arrrggghhh!

      • guess I got lucky or she picked it up from me.
        we are always 15 minutes early for any appt.
        like many others, the army did pound that into your head.
        had a board meeting one time in the army. I was a bit rattled
        and the SGM asked me why I was a airhead ?
        my one daughter was born a hour and 10 minutes before it
        he gave me a pass after hearing that.

  2. I would rather be an hour early than five minutes late. Don’t know where I picked up that habit; must have been born that way.

  3. This is why I hate social situations. I spent my whole life with talons buried in the flesh of my back. Now, I’m in retirement that I damn well earned. Fuck the world and let’er roll…

  4. I’m guessing the “Fashionably late” idea was started up by a group of snobs.
    Never could wrap my head around why that was considered a good idea.

  5. It used to drive my daughter nuts and me and the wife wanted to be early. She now has a daughter who refuses to be late, just like gramma.

  6. On time means 10 minutes late. I’ve fired many over the years that were always “on time”.

  7. I worked for Mars Chocolate for 16 years. They have what is called a “Punctuality Bonus”. You clock in at or before your scheduled work time, you got 10 percent added to your pay for the day. That was if you were mopping the floors, or you were a V.P. and your last name was Mars.

    You bet your sweet ass I was on time or early every day.

    The “legendary thought” behind it? They wanted to make sure you were at your station working 5 minutes before your counterpart at Hershey was.

    The carryover? I am obsessed w being on time ever since.

  8. My wife is also chronically late to many of her obligations. I know sometimes Life throws surprises, but in our we can be waiting two hours with nothing to do before a celibratory meal and we will still be late by at least 20 minutes. I tell her it is disrespectful but she doesn’t listen. “We’ll get there when we get there”, Our family has learned to tell us the meal is half an hour earlier than the original scheduled time.

    I’m the person who has to be there early. This has caused some lively discussion during our marriage.

  9. In my case, it was 22 years in a job (USN) where being late to work was literally a Federal Offense.

    And you ALWAYS relieved the watch fifteen minutes early.

  10. Showed up at a her company function with out the wifey unit one time. Co-workers asked me where she was and started laughing when I said still at home getting ready. She hasn’t been late since.

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