8 thoughts on “That’s Fast

  1. But will it be faster than screwing a porn star shortly after his wife gave birth to his fifth child? It will be close.

  2. Imr sure he will appeal. And I’m equally sure the left long ago planned how to thwart the appeal. The system is corrupt, broken. Irredeemably and irreparably flawed. Appealing to the same corrupt legal system that railroaded you is utterly pointless.

    • What do you mean the system is not working?
      The Supreme Court has stalled the DC trial and the FL documents case is all but dead in the water with a fantastic judge Trump personally hired for that district. The Georgia case is slowed to a crawl with a good Republican judge.
      So he lost one case. He’ll die of old age before the appeals are completed.
      As long as we continue to give him money he’ll continue to not lose most of the cases.

  3. The aim of all of these so called trials is to cripple Trump financially and PUT HIM IN JAIL. THAT’S RIGHT IN JAIL, so that he can’t campaign. These idiot Demonrats think putting him behind bars is going to stop him or the MAGA movement.

    This is a serious miscalculation on their part.

    I wouldn’t give a plugged nickle for Alvin Bragg or Juan Merchan or that asshole in the FL case dieing of natural causes, if that happens.

    For all of you three letter agency types that frequent these types of venues looking to drum up crimes or incitement thereof, I’m not doing either. I’m just spitballin’. Go back to investigating soccer moms at PTA meetings and Catholics and other people that have done nothing except voice an opinion the Regime doesn’t like.

    That’s about your speed.

  4. Fucking your recently-widowed sister-in-law is small potatoes compared to molesting your own teenaged daughter in the shower.

  5. Why has no one ever asked the question, especially when she testified, how much did she charge him that night? Inquiring minds want to know what her going rate was at that time.

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