That’s Because After All Those Years Of Self Abuse, I Still Have Two Functioning Synapses To Rub Together

Which is apparently more than several million other folks.

I also try to be somewhat independent, have a finely tuned Bullshit detector, am stubborn as a Missouri mule and I really don’t like to be told what to do by people I wouldn’t spit on if they were on fire standing right next to me.

Now and forever motherfuckers.

14 thoughts on “That’s Because After All Those Years Of Self Abuse, I Still Have Two Functioning Synapses To Rub Together

  1. I have friends who got jabbed so they could travel. After I had shown them stories of athletes dropping dead. I have a couple I know that got jabbed AFTER their son got jabbed and experienced sudden myocarditis.
    People are STUPID.
    But overall, I’m happy this happened because it has shown the not-vaxxers that we are going to live much longer lives and maybe the best of us will survive to rebuild the country.

  2. The Jab. Never took it. Never will. Neither have my wife and (one) of my children. The other didn’t live in the house anymore and took it. I pray for his health and safety daily.

  3. Love messing with the woke’s “feels”. Man, you are a man of few, on point words. (In vietnam had to use a code wheel to send message over radio. One alphabet letter required three letters on code wheel. This made one use sparse language.) Todays youth have a ton of unnecessary “fill words”. Such as, you know, like, I mean, basically. Damn young person, spit it out.

  4. One reason I remain, and will continue to remain, a Pureblood is because of communities like this sharing what they know to those ‘who have ears to listen’. I mourn for my family members but whenever I tried to talk with them, i was shouted down. Oh well, i tried. I really believe a great culling is taking place and if We the People can survive the desperate fuckery that is taking place, we’ll outnumber any libtards 10-1. Lord, please!

  5. Say AMEN brother Phil! I recently read Dr. Pierre Kory’s book The War on Ivermectin. It was a bit hard to read because I had to set it down every few pages to let my blood pressure come back down. Absolutely infuriating, just like Kennedys book on Fauci.

  6. I didn’t get jabbed, I am not getting a flu shot this year because I do not trust it will only be for the flu, I will not comply.

  7. I’m completely convinced that being double jabbed was the cause of the super aggressive cancer that took out my dad.
    I got the feeling from my last lucid conversation with him that he may have thought that too.

    I was sending them information so often for a year and a half to the point where I was thinking that I might be obnoxious. I just wanted to try and help them understand that it wasn’t safe and a bad idea. In the end my opinion was less valued than others it seems. Still breaks my heart to think that they did that. The very little tv that I’ve seen in the last couple years was shocking to see the intense brainwashing the population has been subjected to.

  8. When this all started, my thirty-five plus years as a mechanic kicked in. Not the skills to actually diagnose and repair, no. The fine-tuned skill of reading through a customer’s bullshit in order to arrive at the correct complaint, so I could easily define the real issue. This did not include I grew up in the BC interior amongst a myriad number of bona-fide hippie kids – their parents dodged the Draft and moved to Canada to hide in the woods, grow a little more dope than they smoked, and live in harmony with the birds, bees and horseflies.
    With the relentless bombardment going on, it was a no-brainer to figure out our habitually dishonest Government was up to something. A simple look at every last Liberal all of a sudden trusting everything the Government said was the red flag with flashing lights and the alarm bell.
    As they say:
    Whatever the Liberals are promoting, believe and do the opposite. You will live longer, happier and healthier.

  9. My mom is a retired nurse in her 80’s, gets MSM news from the TV, no speakers on her computer and uses it only for email and playing games. I did not tell her I was not vaxxed when she complained non-vaxxers were out to kill all the old folks by spreading disease. She had a MS in nursing science but later talking to her she didn’t remember how vaccines are supposed to work with the immune system. She unequivocally trusts the medical establishment. She’s never mentioned the vaxx after she found out I didn’t take it. My brother got Bell’s Palsy after being vaxxed. It is a topic we don’t talk about. I really have to wonder what their thoughts are now.

    I was watching the excess death rate from Govt stats. 20% up with COVID and up 40% with the vaxx, then they recast some of the statistics and I quite following it. Really tells you all you need to know.

  10. LeBoon James – the great noggered B-ball hero and hater of the the unvaccinated saw his kid collapse today. That is either karma or the hand of God in motion… and the retards n’ stubfarts might be well advised not to get in front of either – lest he end up the same way LeBoon and his kid did…

  11. I have a suspicion that the speed at which the whole Coronascam fell out of view in the (((media))) was because those ‘Pushing’ it had noticed, and were becoming Afraid of, the increasing Belligerence of those who were Refusing the Bioweapon Clotshot. This makes me think that whatever the Next ‘scamdemic’ is, is going to be Pushed, harder and faster from the beginning, in hopes of stampeding the sheeple who fell for the first one, just fast enough to sweep the ‘resistors’ along with it.
    Boy, are ‘they’ in for a Surprise…

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