9 thoughts on “That’s all right…

  1. Uh-oh, Cederq, U of Quebec says drinking coffee is a climate CRIME! REEEEEE!

    “Is your coffee a climate crime? Canadian researchers say so.”


    ‘Limiting your contribution to climate change requires an adapted diet, and coffee is no exception. Choosing a mode of coffee preparation that emits less GHGs (greenhouse gases) and moderating your consumption are part of the solution,’ the researchers at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi wrote in their study.

    • A cool and innovating design! I wonder if it could cook food also? Even it’s use in Southern Oregon during the summer would reduce your electric and gas use, a win in my book.

  2. If the puppers drank all the coffee, than that must be a high-speed camera because the little guy would be vibrating like a plucked string!

    Just sayin’

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