12 thoughts on “That’s a big 10-4 buddy!

  1. It’s amazing how many common church doctrines go against what is plainly said in the Bible. The leadership is more interested in pleasing man than pleasing God.

  2. Men, you should know the Second Coming of Christ is coming soon. The Church isn’t talking about it. Check it out.

  3. “All we like sheep…” have gone every one to his own way…

    Maybe *you* call it Christianity, *I* sure don’t.

    “Where does it say that in the Bible??”
    Have you even read the Bible, fool?

  4. One of the s/martest things I ever did was to get a Hebrew/Greek study Bible. Until you go back and see what the author really said, you don’t know what scripture is saying. The newer translations have some biases. Even the King James uses some terms like ‘grace’ in a manner that isn’t exactly the intention of the author.

  5. I have been struggling with this problem for decades… though it’s taken a turn for the worse lately.
    Started donating to the local church on the corner. They have a ‘blessings box’ outside with canned goods, some food and toiletry. I stuff 20 bucks in it once in a while, makes me feel good. Had a good week with the stock-trading, said “I’ll give some to that church”, so I get some cash in an envelope and ask to see the preacher. Tell him my story, so, “can I get a receipt for my donations at the end of the year?”
    And this motherfucker starts in on this long diatribe about how I’m going to have to sign documents to let them into my bank accounts (yes, he was serious), I would have to start regular this and that, attending all sorts of…
    You stupid motherfucker.
    I wanted to give you money, free money, just cut me a receipt. Now you get nothing because you are a greedy, money hungry fork-tongued charlatan! You are not a man of the cloth, that’s for sure.
    I know another preacher, a good honest man, lives in a small home with his wife and 3 kids, they live the life, preach the word, and are truly doing God’s work. I think they’re going to be getting my tithes from now on. Fuck that church at the end of the street, it ain’t no house of God.

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