It. Mowed. The. Fucking. Lawn..
Not just mowed, I fucking SCALPED IT.
With the deck it came with no less.
I got the pressure washer out and cleaned up the yellow deck because I was going to put that on it but while I had it out I said Fuck It and cleaned up the old one.
As soon as I hit it underneath all kinds of big chunks of dried up grass and mud came out from under it.
So I said why not try it again?
Why not indeed.

Even though I just mowed that last week with the self propelled walk behind, it cut it so short and piled up so much grass that I am not even kidding when I say that there was enough for a bale of hay.
Most of it was out towards the street just out of the picture.
I had to go over it several times to blow it out of the middle of the yard.
That fucker ain’t gonna need mowing again for at least two weeks, I don’t care how much it rains.
The deck was all the way down and making hay boys.
Hell yes, I’m gonna call that a win for sure.

That the thing’s new name, The Little Green Pig.
The Pig for short.
A new seat and maybe an entire fiberglass kit for that hood and it will be good to go.
Lemme tell ya, it was so fucking nice to be able to sit down and do that job instead of killing myself with that walk behind motherfucker.
Still love that movie. Congrats on killing it with this project.
The Pig. I LIKE it ! It was worth every pain in the ass to mow so easily.
Can holder, Phil. Needs a can holder. Don’t want you to get dehydrated out there in the sun this summer.
It’s an Easter miracle of ressurection!!
good job done there ! now save the clipping for your garden.
grass clipping make great compost for tomato’s
hell, I even had a few spring up in the compost bin after filling it with grass clipping from the guy across the street s few years ago.
the very best cherry tomato’s I ever tasted came from coffee grounds and grass clipping in the soil mix. you know the kind where you pick 20-30 and end up with maybe 15 or so by the time you get inside ?
As long as you haven’t used “Weed-n-feed” on the lawn. Those clippings are toxic in your compost.
Like they say , win one , lose hundred. Hope you have a few more wins before the loses come back.
I don’t like to lose.
A job well done! Both the lawn and the machine.
I know you live in a warm climate compared to where I am, but we have the dreaded S word in the forecast tonight, won’t stick, but still, it’s fookin’ April 17th.
I now why, this season I completely prepped the mowers, power washed them, scraped the decks, oil, plugs, filters, the works. Even went out and filled all 8 or so gas cans of every description. Just because I am ready for bear, the weather is going to be rain/snow (has been last 3 weeks and more this week. Grrrrr.
I don’t know about anybody else but I’m ready for February to be over!
I had ice on my windshield again this morning.
Yeah; Friday it was almost 70, Saturday and Sunday it snowed. My new bees aren’t happy about it either.
Whitehall, NY
It is 8 AM Monday April 18, I have an inch of snow on the lawn in St Joseph MI. Like y’all, I am ready for April to be OVER!
“That fucker ain’t gonna need mowing again for at least two weeks, I don’t care how much it rains.”
Challenge accepted – Mother Nature
If the seat still has good foam and hardware, they make covers for them that aren’t an arm and a leg. Just make sure you get the high back version. I think the cheapest knock-off JD seats I’ve seen are at a place called Atwoods or Orscheln farm and home if you have any in your area. I keep telling myself I need to sell my 46″ JD rider and use my 2 push mowers, but then August gets here and I quickly change my mind.
What the fuck kind of redneck yankee ( anyone who lives higher up than Dallas is a yankee- I checked, you do) are you? You don’t need a new seat. Just duct tape some carpet scrap over it and you are good. 5 bucks and 5 minutes vs who knows how much time and money to get it. Then the bastard won’t fit right and you got to fab up new mounting brackets. You got better things to do with your time than that bullshit. and besides you just going to put your stinky ass on it anyway. Nice padding for your skinny ass. Duct tape makes it work more better anyway.
Around here we use garbage bags instead of carpet remnants.
Slips on, slips off to shake the water off the bastard so yer ass don’t get wet and then slip it back on.
It rains a bunch around here, ya know?
Carpet would just turn into a giant sponge, turn green from the damn moss and then rot off.
What’s “rain”?
Get ready. That new hood is gonna hit you right in the ass pocket
Cheapest used one I have found was two hundred bucks. Plus shipping.
I’m going to slop some fiberglass on it and call it good.
My GT225 was cracked, kind of like that. Except more on the top. I just pulled the cracks tight together and used black Gorilla duct tape. Held good for a couple of years.
Then the ramps kicked out one day and it flipped over backwards off the trailer. Yeah, I was still in the seat. Almost crushed me, but I leg pressed it off of myself. The landing did in what was left of the cowl. Been running it without one ever since. Not putting a $800 cowl on a mower I have $300 invested in.
Nice validation on the WIN, by the way!
Whitehall, NY
Yeah, this is why I’m not a big fan of ramps.
You got lucky.
It probably would have killed my narrow ass.
Snapped me in two at the very least.
Long time lurker first time commenter, it’s best if ramps have a pin to keep them in place friend of mine fabricated some for himself to get his stump grinder on his bakkie(south african for truck) and used for high tensile bolts dropped in at the top to keep them from. Slipping.
You could do that, but it will run just fine without it.
You could just stitch it with zip ties. I’ve done countless motocross bike plastics that way. Holds up along time. Won’t help you on the piece missing though. Cordless drill and a bag of zip ties done.
Way to go, Phil!!
Well done, Sir!
Very nice! I’d call that a win for sure. What Is the condition of the other mower? Save-able or just a donor?
Man, it’s nice to get a win sometimes. I don’t get near as many as I used to, and I just can’t let it go. So I end up putting way too much effort and money into these things just for pride or whatever. But man, it feels good to win, eventually.
The other mower its self seems to be in decent shape except the engine has been partially torn apart.
I’m not sure it’s all there but most of it is.
I’m thinking about trying to put it back together so I can take one over to my Father In Laws and just leave it there instead of having to trailer one back and forth all Summer.
I see you’re winning the turf war…
I had no choice but to get a rider…bought a new Craftsman (MTD) 30 inch ,rear engine model. It has been a great mower for six seasons now , except the deck is rotting through. Checked on a replacement shell, $300 fricken bucks , if you can find one…
Then from my Google searches, along come ads from FB marketplace for used mowers . Guy was selling a Toro ( also a MTD ) and it is identical only different decals for $75. His father in law gave it to him after it had been setting around for a year with old gas in it…he couldn’t get it to run, even after buying a new carb for the thing. The deck looks mint tho, you can tell it wasn’t used but one year and forgotten for several. My gain ! A complete parts setup for my original one.
I swear , they give away shit down here in rich yuppie land !
Hell even the tires still have the rubber titties , says the parts one was never used.
Congratulations and Well Done Phil!
I’d go for the seat but I’d get some aluminum and pop rivets for the hood, go for the NASCAR look!