12 thoughts on “That Would Be No

  1. In the House Comer and Jordan have had a shitload of investigations and hearings. Trump had 4 different AG’s in his first term.
    Is it lack of balls or lack of competence?

    • from history, it seem like the only thing to come out of all of that noise is sound bites for their reelection ads.
      not once has anyone been held to account for what they have got away with. what is a 10,000 fine to someone that has millions ?
      when assholes get led away in cuffs to a slam in your ass federal
      prison. not some club fed kind of place. then and only then will things change in DC
      and then it is only the dems that get people tossed in prison.
      “our side” never seems to get it done ?

  2. Competence. Severely lacking in anyone with more time in public service than private. This should be an interesting 4 years.

  3. Uniparty.
    They wouldn’t have allowed Trump to win unless he agreed to continue the same policies.
    And for all the Trumpists out there, let’s have this argument a year from now.

    • Don’t,
      I say it often:
      * President Trump and the kamster are co-joined twins.
      Anticipate more of the same… perhaps with an orangish hue, but still the same, irregardless.
      That scamdemic goofball fauci boasts and brags:
      * ‘Nearly a hundred MANDATORY vaccinations were never tested and/or never verified for either increasing health nor causing cancers and other illnesses, or death.’
      keyword : genocide

  4. It’s SOME of the above, but the real control, is Feinstein/Diddy type party videos. (((They))) throw LOTS of parties. Almost everyone is captured, compromised. We are NOT voting our way out of this.
    Trump isn’t going to save us. His appointees aren’t going to save us. IF we’re lucky and he even makes it to office, they MIGHT do more good than harm.

    • yeah. seem way too easy this time around. it like they have something bad going to happen right after he gets in.
      WW3, I doubt it. old Vlad is way too smart to fall for that bullshit.
      false flag ? good chance of it. or the dollar will drop to worthless even more than it is now. one thing is for sure, the pricks will not go without a fight. the left has never given up power without a fight in all of history.
      although I will say watching the DC assholes freak out is kind of fun.
      look out for accidents that happen between now and then to happen to some folks in the DC area. say a mugging gone bad, or
      a nice car accident at high speed and the air bags don’t seem to work ? any number of way to “remove ” people who know too much on their “betters”. just saying, of course.

  5. There are 6 retired Navy Seals in Congress this summer. Do we ever hear of them? Three of them are snipers. Did we have a sniper clip a presidential candidate this summer? Speaker Mike Johnson was the person who put together a “committee” to investigate after it happened. Was there a congress critter that was in the military or had been a sniper. No, to hell no. They were not asked, nor allowed input into this attempt. I’m thinking that management (Mike Johnson) does not want them out in front of us. They might take some of his so called “glory” taken away.

  6. No, not even Rump. You know, the Clinton’s are good people and the beautiful vaccine. Woods is the bomb though

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