4 thoughts on “That will learn her!

  1. I’d like to know the mechanics of how they did that, it’s pretty cool. I could care less about the cofeve.

  2. I have never had more than a taste of coffee. Went to work for my divorce atty and first day he said ‘here’s the coffee pot. (so?) you can get it started when you come in. Next day I made the coffee with LOT’s of coffee. Everyone hated it. He comes to me and asked If I actually drink coffee. No, never. Ok, I’ll show you. Next day I hardly put in enough coffee to barely color the coffee. I wasn’t allowed near the coffeepot after that. Did yell or scream about my rights as a women or why men couldn’t do the coffee. I just played their game. End result was what I wanted. Still have never made a pot of coffee. I just delegate it to someone else.

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