5 thoughts on “That must be where my 10mm sockets go…

  1. It used to be that if your 10mm socket ran away, who fukkn cared? We were never supposed to work on shit that lost WW2. Now, we have SAE and metric, with hydraulics now a shit show with NPT, BSP, SP, ORB, ORFS, JIC, plus Cat and Claas have their specialty shit, not to mention the Chinese now send us shit that they spent thousands of man-hours making certain nothing fits SAE or metric tools. Either implementing this was a Communist idea, or the bastards at Snap-On and Mac had to big of an erection at the thought of knowing every mechanic now had to double the volume of tools needed for a career. Whoever came up with metric was a true asshole. I hope he spends eternity in Hell getting hot lava poured on him by the gallon.
    Canada got fucked over by the first Trudeau, they should name a sewage treatment plant after him, and a whorehouse after his wife.

    • Zactly, dumb mofos used to put the oil filter on the side of the engine block, changed many of them in my younger days if it was an asshole customer, I’d kind of smear thie spillage around for a little delayed smoke action

    • “a whorehouse after his wife”

      How dare you, Grumpy. That’s a base libel. Margaret was no whore! She gave it away for free.

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