6 thoughts on “That is a hard truth!

  1. That’s why I won’t go anywhere NEAR them – I’d rather die of natural causes!!

  2. Unless you are a traditional Guardsman that has 3 campaign medals. Since I don’t have 2 years continuous Active Duty I do not qualify for VA benefits. I had 21 years in the Guard with a cumulative active duty of 7 years and 91 days.

  3. The VA improved dramatically (at least in my area) after Trump signed off on the Choice Program in 2016. This gave the Vet the CHOICE to use local Doctor’s/ Specialist and also get test done (MRI, CAT, etc.). For a lot of Vets in Texas who live in Rural areas this was a great thing because it meant they did not have to ride the Bus to their Regional VA (a 3 hour bus ride for me) to get simple services done such as MRI’s, Podiatry or Dermatology. Of course when the Mumbling Dementia Patient got in there he did away with all that (reversed every thing Trump signed into effect.) So in the stroke of a pen the VA went right back to being an inept Shit Hole where I live.

  4. The VA where I live is pretty good, although the current Pri Care Doc that I have leaves a lot to be desired. The Cardiologist that was assigned to me after my initial one retired because of Obozo’s records data collection policies I swear tried to kill me.

    Let’s face it, if the Doc’s at VA were any good or weren’t in need of a job because their state medical board told them the only way they could stay in practice for the next XXX of time is to do a three year probation at VA, they wouldn’t be at VA. They can make a shit load more money in private practice, especially the specialty doc’s like Cardiology. There are some. I’m sure that are doing out it of a sense of patriotic duty. Those are few and far between.

    Then there’s the foreigners, especially the Indians, no not American Indians, the other Indians. They’re doing it because most state medical boards won’t accept foreign accreditations for general practice licensing and for the retirement benefits. That’s my theory anyway.

  5. Navy vet, not retired, no disability.

    I’ve gotten virtually all my medical care from the VA for the past 20 years. Including 2 hospital y stays 4 catheterization (1 exploratory, 3 stents) ongoing medications (15) that come automatically by mail. Also a $2000 hearing aids, sleep apnea machine, glasses.

    I am a huge fan of VA. At least the San Juan pr hospital and satellite clinic. Dunno about any other.

    Also, in the 70s financed my house and education thru grad school.

  6. As far as I know and can tell everyone I’ve met, doctors, nurses, therapists, janitors, security guards has been American born and educated.

    Never paid it much attention, though so I suppose there could be exceptions.

    The cardiologist I was seeing for a few years was a retired usaf colenel other docs have also been vets.

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