16 thoughts on “Thanks… for nothing.

  1. The part about Canada is obscenely incorrect.
    If you illegally cross into Canada, you are first checked for your religion.
    Christians are levied the fine.
    Muslims are given free housing, free food, a monthly taxi allowance (which if used up too soon is topped up again) and the bonus is: if somewhere else someone beat the shit out of you because you didn’t follow the laws in some other country, you get between $5million and $14 million dollars (about $1200 USD.)

  2. …”and paid for by the U.S. taxpayers”.

    That is misleading. It should read “paid for with dollars BORROWED from the Federal Reserve which will never be repaid.

    Otherwise spot on.

    • If we can sterilize the entire works, that actually would be cost effective in a few years after they all take the latest death jab as well.

  3. The invasion is PLANNED.
    The Congress is and has been run by traitorous scum for decades and they think they’ll make coin off this debacle, just like they always have. I hope this time they’ve gone too far and we can finally take out the trash-it stinks.

    • And the traitorous scum that are actively destroying the country have the impression that they’re still going to be on the top of the heap when the dust settles.
      “You very fonny, Senator. Please face wall.”

  4. honest to God. most folks around here would cheer if DC got nuked.
    I hear it every time I go food shopping or fill up the truck.
    the locals hate/loathe the DC clowns and what they doing to this country.
    most people around here are past fed up with this shit already

  5. Don’t forget the $2k cash card the Fed gives them when they are processed. I read were one guy is crossing at El Paso every week and has been doing that for a couple of months.

    • They’re getting $5,000 gift cards, according to this:

      Whether that’s true or not is immaterial. They are coming here to stay and will break the welfare system. They will work for cash and collect benefits at the same time.
      And it doesn’t matter where you live. Busses have been showing up everywhere. There was a busload dropped off in Sheridan, Wyoming. They all started walking as a group into town, looking at their cell phones as if being directed somewhere.

      We are being invaded and the government is doing fuck all about it.

      • According to the almighty goggle there are 500 sanctuary cities at this time. I wonder next election if that will be on the ballot and how many would be left standing. So the southern states have a lot of places to choose from. Me, I would go alphabetical and go from there. Who gives a rats behind what they want. They are here illegally, they don’t get a say.

      • “We are being invaded and the government is doing fuck all about it.”

        How about “We are being invaded and the government is aiding and abetting the invasion.”

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