14 thoughts on “Tariff Trade War? BRING IT ON! Canada…eh?

  1. Yep. They’re all shaking their fists, making threats, and thumping their chests. No one is asking what we will do without those customers, those markets, and former friends. It isn’t even worth trying to have a conversation with them.

    They will cave when shit gets real, trust me. Reality has come calling for Canada. The value of a dollar is what it is. The value of good friends and allies are what they are. If you don’t understand this in Canada… you will shortly.

    For what it’s worth I apologize on behalf of Alberta and myself. The Canadian faggotry will be ready to listen in a month or two – tops.

  2. While the tariffs are a good thing, we all need to be prepared to pay more for the goods we buy across the board. Ultimately, hopefully, this means a bigger domestic based supply chain which will result in a healthier economy.
    (Oh, and Fuck Canada, Mexico, Western Europe and China. They’ve been raping us for decades).

  3. It really is a damn shame it’s come to this. I hope Filthie is right and things shake out better for our northern neighbors once the pain is really felt. But then I look at how Europe is behaving right now, and I am not sure how easy it’ll be for idiots to get their minds right. There is still an awful lot of resistance to doing so.

  4. I, for one, do not want the US to ‘save’ Canada. We Canadians, as a society, are nothing more than entitled, sniveling brats (not unlike the Europeans) who are too stupid and ignorant to be saved. That we had several decades to save ourselves and did nothing is proof positive of this.

    If the US does annex Canada, and the writing is on the wall at this point, it should be purely out of a sense of self preservation and nothing more. I say this because it is irrefutable at this point that Canada has been heavily compromised by the BRICS nations (notably India and Communist China), relegated to little more than an economic zone. Why should the US want that its doorstep?

  5. I don’t take orders from Globalist scum! Those pit stains meeting at the uropeon summit can eat the peanuts in my morning turd! I look forward to the Canada firsters getting their retard asses handed to them….these are the same motherfuckers that had no problem throwing me in an re-education gulag because I refused to get the clotshot and whined that the Freedom Convoy usurped the nations flag during the coof protest! Get ready to be gaped you fucking asshoes! God Bless America!

  6. From a population standpoint, Canadastan is a small country.
    IIRC, about 30 million. Less than the state of California.
    Pretty sure they need our market way more than we need theirs.
    Formerly friendly Canada was merely convenient. Not necessary.

  7. It wasn’t so long ago that ‘longest undefended border in the world’ was a point of pride between our countries. Now it has become nothing more than a way for the world’s refuse to traipse their way into the Republic, and my government lets them, and forces me to pay for it all.

    America needs to do what is necessary to preserve itself, for without her, the rest of the world is lost, and will not recover.

    If this includes explaining to Canada that there are adult consequences to adult choices, then so very much be it. It is past time that Ottawa had it demonstrated that there are some things you simply do not do. One of them is to fuck over your best friend and neighbour, giggling while you do, and think that you’ll never be called to account for your behaviour.

    Justin is a doofus. The fact that anyone in this country manages to take this retard seriously is a wonder in itself. I am glad President Trump has finally begun to object to the way Canada has treated the US, as if the unfair arrangements between them could persist indefinitely.

    Do what must be done, America. God Bless Her.

  8. I think the tariffs will be self canceling after they realize how much they are paying and how little we will be. We can grow corn and sunflower here thank you very much.

  9. Try living in Western Canada with that fucking douchebag cheeba Trudeau running his fucking mouth. Part of the reason for his fucking around is that Western Canada is always the one that suffers, and he WANTS that. He ran his mouth again telling everyone Canada will sell its oil and gas to Europe and China, when he already spent billions ensuring that would never happen – he financed all the eco-terrorists and Liberal-Democrat hippies in British Columbia, and provided support for all of the natives who opposed the pipelines (the few who did support pipelines mysteriously changed their minds after visiting Las Vegas and meeting up with some of Warren Buffett’s cronies…… imagine that.) Trudeau also hates western Ontario, because they didn’t vote entirely Liberal as they are supposed to (instead, they were a mix of Commie-Liberal, Conservative-Liberal Lite and Socialist-NDP,) so he considers them enemies.
    Trudeau’s plan is a half-and-half plan of WEF and Communist-China agendas. And he has proven to everyone he loves being a dick-tater. Rumours abound his wife left him after he was caught in the Prime Minister’s Office “in a compromising position” with a young staffer……. a dude.

    That fucking puke announced he would quit, then prorogued Parliament and shut down the Government, THEN decided to jet all over the planet for meetings and still display an obscene acute case of verbal diarrea. The sooner he dies in a plane crash into ocean, the better. And he needs to take his kids down with him, because the world does not ever need another fucking Trudeau around.

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