TAKE MY MONEY! But Wait, There’s More!!

As soon as I get done eating dinner one of these is going to be headed my way.

I just have to do a quick search to find one first.

Before I was even done eating, my pal Irish hunted it down and left a link.

However, while I was looking to see if I could find one cheaper, I ran across THIS, from the same manufacturer.

Decisions, Decisions…


I went with the bottom option.

And got two.

$25 each VS. $130 each.

They are way more portable on top of being way more affordable.

I may just get one of those bigger ones a bit later anyway though.

15 thoughts on “TAKE MY MONEY! But Wait, There’s More!!

  1. Pingback: Weekend Links! - The DaleyGator

    • Sweet!
      Thanks Bud!
      I’m still stuffing chunks of ham down my throat.

  2. Phil, has that smack on your thumb turned you all of a woosy lace-panties wearer? You’ve still got one good thumb. Igor has to load one round at a time, he has an excuse with that optic on his SMLE. If you don’t have a callusse and blisters on your thumb after a weekend of practice and challenging plinking, how do you know if you had any fun? I wish I could go shooting.

  3. I was sure you were going to describe how you’d made your own from a Walmart shopping cart and a defunct chainsaw!

  4. With your skills you could probably make your own from the scraps in your garage.

  5. I dunno, I got one of those Podavach models, and I don’t really care for it. If you don’t hold the mag at exactly the right angle, either vertical or horizontal, it doesn’t work very well, and the rounds go all over the place. YMMV

  6. I’ve been using the LULA for a long time. Thought enough of them that I bought the pistol one too.
    Never had a problem.
    I’m happy.

  7. I have the AR15 & the 9MM – love them both – in addition they are durable.

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