14 thoughts on “Tactical Hermit kicks it in the balls again! The best description and reason I have rejected modern religion and Christianity. Weak men.

  1. Independent church’s have made great inroads against organized systems. I’ve even seen local churches split over human issues, how sad is that.

  2. Comments are closed at TH’s, so I’ll rant here.
    One of my favorite minister’s is Pastor Doug Giles. I have his book: If Masculinity is “Toxic”, Call Jesus Radioactive. It’s an extended discussion of the Gospel of Matthew.
    One of my favorite lines from Pastor Giles is his question: “WWJD if some lunatic came into his church and started shooting parishioners?—–Why, he’d whip out his Glock and double tap the center of mass!”
    It has always puzzled me that I have never heard anyone question WHY Peter was carrying a sword in that scene in the garden of Gethsemanee when he lops off the ear of the high priests’ slave. Jesus pics up the ear and puts it back healing him, but no one seems to make any notice of the “armed insurrectionist” with the weapon. My opinion is that it was just part of normal attire to be so armed in dangerous times of Roman occupation.

  3. Our church died when our old minister passed and the dioecies sent a new one who was whipped by his wife and when asked if God was real gave a long answer.

    If your a man of God the answer should be a definite yes he exists not some limp wristed long version of maybe. The one after that was a open communist and used to open service with a short prayer for good health of fidel castro. That’s when we left and never looked back. The wife said she didn’t want the kids going because they needed good role models not cucks in dresses.

  4. Churches, and as a result our culture have become a matriarchal system of self immolization and depradation.
    Repeal the 19th.

  5. I’ve visited so many churches, I visited, listened and if something stood out, I’d go back to hear more. Joined a few, stayed until I saw teaching unsupported by Scripture. Asked questions,, the Big One,, What must I do to be Saved? If you’re going to church, in search of salvation, that seems like a good opener. It says that When we are saved, we are Spiritually reborn. Our hearts are changed. Doesn’t say made perfect. Doesn’t say we get our innocence back or that we are not still fallen beings, but we are changed.
    Paul went to the Lord three times with A Thorn in his side. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in need of a pair of tweezers. He still had desires and still did things that he knew weren’t okay. He felt Wrong. God said My Grace is good enough.. The way I’m seeing it, Once we’ve found the guts to look squarely into the blackness of our own hearts and been rightly crushed, seeing the Who we Are in His eyes and felt genuine remorse ( He tends the broken heart, no? & what heart is more broken than the remorseful?) knowing that our sin is just as responsible for the reason Jesus Had to allow himself to be crucified as anyone who ever lived. The guy driving the nails is no more responsible for that day than the rest of us.
    If organized religion Worked as Advertised, America wouldn’t look like it does. If you’re unsaved and in fear of judgement, knowing that if death took you now, you’re not okay, then read the Bible, STUDY the motives of your own heart, and have the guts to allow yourself to be disgusted, ashamed, and rightly remorseful. Apologizing to Jesus, not for your Actions,, but for Who you Are, the core of the heart that Wanted to do wrong. If anyone can do that and not just be crying their eyes out, I’d say they did not allow themselves to Feel sufficiently remorseful. If you do something to me that hurts me deeply and figure it out and come to apologize and you walk up and say, Ya’Know, the other day I did this and I looked back and realized that was wrong,, I apologize, or I’m sorry, and the wound you created was deep and your apology is shallow, without remorse, only an admission of having done me wrong,, I’m not Feeling comforted. When The Wrong is born out of Who We Are and the Wound is torture and brutal crucifixion, that Apology and asking forgiveness really Must come from a Very heart broken soul to be heard.

  6. Jesus was a woke liberal. If you don’t like it drop the New Testament and join my people or find a new religion. Odin and the Pagans are looking for new followers.

  7. Don’t use the failure of other men as your lame excuse/crutch for the reason you reject Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus Christ is a personal decision. It has nothing to do with the building down the road from your house. Sorry. You don’t get a free pass for your personal rebellion.

    • Do you have a reading compression problem? Did I specifically reject Jesus Christ? I believe my statement was clear and concise. I reject the weak assed men and feminazis that have corrupted Christianity and made it a religion far removed than Jesus’s Message and Mission. You are the weak assed man that attacks another view and corrupts it’s message.

      • Is this your head line ? “The best description and reason I have rejected modern religion and Christianity. Weak men.”
        You distinctly enunciate the reason why you reject CHRISTIANITY. Think about what you wrote. You distinctly said you rejected Christianity. Because of others. Is this not your headline? Help me out here. If I am wrong, I will humbly apologize. I’m not spoiling for a fight. But. The King should not be tarnished because of the failure of man.

  8. The church I grew up in had this happen to it around twenty years ago. During his homily, the priest – whose name shall not be mentioned here – said, “Sin? What is sin exactly? Is there really such a thing as sin?” You could hear a number of “Are you kidding me’s?” from the congregation. After that service, there were at least twenty parishioners at the rectory demanding to speak to the monsignor. Despite the fact that this was not the first time he had done this, the archdiocese kept him there. A few months after that, a friend introduced me to the Latin Mass and I have been there ever since. There you will find the robust and masculine Christianity you speak of and yes, warfare – especially spiritual – is always the topic.

  9. Hrrrmmmmmm. The hermit closed off the comments which speaks poorly of his intellectual honesty.

    I am not an evangelist, I can only speak for myself and let my Maker speak for Himself. The problem the mainstream churches have is that they have become divided over God’s doctrine, and the church doctrine. In point of fact, there is no “Church doctrine”… there is only God’s doctrine. God does not tolerate evil. Nor will He be mocked.

    My moral code comes straight out of the Bible. It allows me to see my flaws, and provides a framework for me to address them in the most positive way possible. If my church gets pozzed – I will flip them the bird and walk out without a glance backward.

    Long story short – the church is not the faith. Say what ya want about Christians – they have families that I would love to live in. I have seen liberal family values and liberal social mindsets up close and personal and if nothing else – the faith gives me a means of distancing myself from them.

    But… you do you. As long as you can keep your nose clean and your hands to yourself, I am happy to let you and God work out your own arrangements.

    • The Hermit’s comments have only shown pingbacks for over a year, guess he got sick of all the time it took dealing with retards, boner-pill salesmen and how to make $1700/week doing one simple trick.

      Now off to re-roof my sauna building by myself.

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