6 thoughts on “Strive to be that redneck.

  1. Naw, that makes you an armed paranoid.
    The beer cans in the back of your pick-up truck with the gun rack makes you a redneck.

  2. Remember when there were multiple examples of every make of pickup truck on the market in the high school parking lot. At least 90% of these had gun racks. Vice principal had an interest in hunting, and would walk through the lot to see what everyone had. Hey, is that a new Marlin?? More often than not, it became a show and tell in the parking lot. 8-10 or more guys standing around after school in the parking lot, talking and having a good time. Cops would roll through, stop and join in the discussion. No one got shot, no arrests. No threat was made or perceived. A different world, indeed.

  3. This is getting old.
    What I mean is elsewhere, a different blog, I said I have strange dreams. That was in response to a blog post about something which just the night before I had dreamt.

    Now this.
    Just this early morning I had dreamt of a yearbook entry of the very same as this post.
    BTW: I dreamt 7.62

    Hand on Holy Bible, not making this up.

  4. Pingback: Morning Laugh

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