Change dog pooping to making a biden slider. My dog is real good at it.
I had to snow blow a clear spot for my old girl Ziva to go. otherwise she would hold it until she couldn’t any more. not a pretty sight. and after cleaning it up.
I figured it was easier to just clear out a 20 by 20 spot for her to go.
now Slim on the other hand would wade into it until you couldn’t see him.
and he would be damn near frozen when I dragged his ass in. he plop in front of the woodstove until he was warm again, and then he wanted to go play in the snow again. I miss those silly old dogs.
Change dog pooping to making a biden slider. My dog is real good at it.
I had to snow blow a clear spot for my old girl Ziva to go. otherwise she would hold it until she couldn’t any more. not a pretty sight. and after cleaning it up.
I figured it was easier to just clear out a 20 by 20 spot for her to go.
now Slim on the other hand would wade into it until you couldn’t see him.
and he would be damn near frozen when I dragged his ass in. he plop in front of the woodstove until he was warm again, and then he wanted to go play in the snow again. I miss those silly old dogs.
Always a funny scene