19 thoughts on “Speaking Of Stupid…

    • Damn, I hope you’re right, but as we have seen over the last few years, it has become almost impossible to parody anything this monumentally dumb. And by monumentally dumb I mean the left.

  1. Yes ma’am it’s true, unless you help men avoid it by providing BJ’s several times a week. You can literally provide this valuable medical benefit to men without a license.

  2. A friend of mine told his wife that the only way he could get rid of “morning wood “; without dieing, was to have sex.
    It was years before she learned the truth.

  3. I hope all of the subscribers to her Tik Tok channel cancel her for being too stupid to find her way home. Then I wonder which one of her girlfriends told her this and if it was a prank or another ignorant, ill informed dumbass bitch that just graduated high school.

  4. God, I hope her tubes are cut. just for the sake of the planet.
    we really need to start cleaning up the gene pool.
    I bet she used to or did the stupid Tide pod thing too.

    • Yes, clickbait. But not stupidity providing the bait, surely she’s just playing a role, so that her persona of a ‘dumb blonde’ can make money. Movie actresses make a lot of money portraying vapid knuckleheads, she’s no different, just works cheaper through a different medium.
      Women aren’t that dumb, ask most blokes that have to put real effort into scoring a root for the night. Fellas, we get played hell, west and crooked by so-called ‘dumb’ women. Think about it, who’s really the dumb one?

  5. I pity any fool that actually marries her, but as they say, most men think with their dicks and not their brains.

    Oh, and she probably is old enough to vote.

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