Speak Loud And Be Not Afraid

Remember “Free Speech Zones”?

I have one of those.

It’s wherever I happen to be standing at the moment.

We have seen many strong Patriot voices silenced over the last few years, some quite recently, because the lickspittle lackeys who control certain platforms are trying to curry favor with the Commie bastards who currently have their greasy mitts on the levers of power.

Get the fuck back up, dust yourselves off and get back in the fight dammit.

Now is the time to stand up and tell them all,


We are Americans and we are tired of your shit.

It may not seem like it but these shit weasels have had to reassess their plan of attack SEVERAL times already because we refuse to roll over for the motherfuckers.

Keep standing up to them and keep doing what we do best.

13 thoughts on “Speak Loud And Be Not Afraid

  1. A modest proposal. How about “We are Americans and we are THROUGH PUTTING UP WITH your shit.”

  2. yeah, I got kind of pissed off back in the 1990’s and never got over it.
    and after watching building 7 fall down the way it did, I knew shit was fucked up.
    add the masking fucking bullshit that I knew was worthless.
    one thing I do not understand is how vets who have gone thru NBC training wore
    masks ? anyway. the past few years have show me and others just how stupid
    people are as a rule. I do not watch the “news” and have not for a long time now.
    anyone that does, I wonder about. it all lies anymore.

    • The problem with ‘the news’ is that they are not reporting facts. They are opinion pieces. They do not answer who, what, when, where, why, or how.  I’m full of opinions.  I don’t need someone with a degree in American Studies(whatever the hell that is) or Basket Weaving telling me what my opinion ought to be.

      • Exactly Judy.
        If they aren’t spouting opinions it’s outright propaganda.
        I get more info from them about what they won’t talk about.
        The MSM is literally dying before our eyes and the dirty fuckers can’t get done with it soon enough for me.

    • If it’s going to burn and be ruined anyway, what better time to drop it than when everyone is evacuated and the area around it is ruined? The idea of keeping a big city fire contained inside one building is a very modern conceit. I’m sure the fire department had building demolition on speed dial. Add a little bit of insurance fraud to get a payout rather than losing to an act of war, and nobody will talk about it.


      did not condemn the city’s use of gunpowder to blow up buildings to create firebreaks

    • And The Last Box is getting pulled off the shelf in a lot of places.

      Don’t Poke The Bear! Especially when they’re old and grumpy and getting exceedingly pissed off!

  3. I am 67, normal weight and relatively healthy. Last Doc visit my BP was 103/64, I am not on any BP meds. Doc told me I have the BP of a 15 year old and asked how I do it.

    I shot my TV, Doc. Blasted it with twelve OO shots, then set it on fire. I went through most of a box of .357 shooting into the fire.

    He was shocked! I further told him that I figured out stress was due to constantly worrying about things and those things are spewed directly from the media and politicians. No TV (and no newspapers) and my stress was gone.

    I have no facebook, deleted my LinkedIn (over 1000 professional connections), don’t have Twitter, Shitter, Puker or any of those “social media” accounts. My social media is ham radio, but I only operate infrequently. I have no close friends, live in a rural area, surrounded by State Forest. Oh, I don’t drink alcohol anymore and never have used drugs.

    De-stress your life and you’ll live longer. Worry about only the things you can control. And listen to Hard Rock and Metal!

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