Sounds Pretty Good

I called CederQ a bit ago but he was out having a steak with family so it was a short conversation.

I told the Wifely Unit he was having steak and she lit right up.

Since I haven’t eaten much in the past couple of days because I was sleeping,..

We looked at each other and I said, ya wanna?

So we are going out and having steaks for dinner.

I’m freaking hungry.

Perhaps a bit later there will be something here worth a visit, right now I’m going fooding.

Catch ya later.

10 thoughts on “Sounds Pretty Good

  1. Awesome for you! And THAT… from the non-militant vegetarian in the realm. It’s all about HATING PLANTS for me. I got no qualms with anyone that likes ripping flesh from bones.

    GLAD to hear you have an appetite! Gotta FEED THE BEAST!

  2. Good on ya’! I don’t even want to know what a steak dinner for two costs these days. Hell, I don’t even want to know what one costs at the grocery store.

    • Buy a quarter or half a beef from a local rancher. Much, much, MUCH cheaper. Tastes and smells better too! Haven’t bought store bought meat in almost 20 years now. Last three sides I bought were from Scottish Highland steers and final cost was $4/lb whether I was eating stew meat, 93% ground beef or ribeye.

  3. Great idea! Did the same here recently. Just don’t let the prices irritate your cardiovascular health or you might be going to “join Elizabeth” after “the big one”!

  4. On the now rare occasions that we eat in a restaurant, I always remind my wife and I that the prices are not for food. They’re for someone else to shop it, prep it, cook it, serve it, and clean up afterwards. Well worth it now and then.

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