Get a rabbit backed up into a corner sometime and then reach for him. You will be very surprised. The volume of the growl they can make is amazing. Best advice is “Run Away!”.
Run away ! Run away !!
I have no fear!
For I have the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!
Does it work on politicians
“Oh Lord, bless this, thy hand grenade that with it thou may blow thine enemies to tiny bits in thy mercy…”
Get a rabbit backed up into a corner sometime and then reach for him. You will be very surprised. The volume of the growl they can make is amazing. Best advice is “Run Away!”.
Run away ! Run away !!
I have no fear!
For I have the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!
Does it work on politicians
“Oh Lord, bless this, thy hand grenade that with it thou may blow thine enemies to tiny bits in thy mercy…”
I see Tim put up a sign.
Death awaits you all, with nasty pointy teeth!