I knew damn good and well that monkey post was gonna do this to the trolls.

I guess I’m going to have to post this for them in the future.

Because it’s obvious that they are the kind of people that make this kind of shit necessary.

Livin’ in your head rent free Trolls.
All the day and all the night.
You pathetic losers.
You’re not living in my head rent free, you are spreading hateful ideologies that are necessary to counter.
Seriously dude, let us have a healthy debate on your blog. Give people the chance to decide for themselves what they believe. It’s your choice. Allow a debate or once we figure out your last name, we are going to get you arrested. But since you back the blue so much you shouldn’t be too worried about that now. Try having to defend yourself when you have a bunch of witnesses against you and we have the proof you threatened us. Maybe you’ll be stuck rotting in jail for a few years because you can’t afford bail or a lawyer. You know you’re innocent but no one believes you or cares. Then you’ll know what it’s like to be BIPOC. Then you’ll understand institutional racism.
Republicans started this war, but we will finish it.
Let me explain something to you that apparently you are failing to grasp.
Number one, if the police show up at my door over anything you have made up here it will be a small miracle.
Number two, if in fact that does happen and they do arrest me then I am going to hire a lawyer.
The minute I talk to that lawyer I am going to turn over every single comment you and your little buddies have left on both of my blogs.
You may or may not have heard of something called discovery?
Said lawyer is then going to go in front of the judge and ask that whoever filed the original complaint have their identity made public.
Name, address, the works. That whole face your accusers thing.
At that point I am going to have the lawyer ask the judge to order every one of you morons be unmasked by your oh so awesome VPN provider so that you can be served subpoenas as witnesses . You may just want to go read the fine print there as they are going to hack you up on the floor like the slimy hairballs you are.
When you have that subpoena in your sweaty little palms you can start packing to travel clear across the country to appear in court, at your own expense.
By the way?
Sending death threats over the internet pal?
Yeah, that’ a federal offense.
Your local DA isn’t going to be having anything to do with that and thank you so much for so thoughtfully providing that evidence earlier this morning.
Now back to what comes next.
My lawyer is going to get all of you laughed out of court and then will immediately proceed to start talking with the DOJ about your threats and made up charges. The cops really don’t like people that make false charges Anthony.
Bring your shit on you dumb motherfuckers.
I double dog dare ya.
You started this shit but I swear to you that I will end it.
This sounds familiar 😂 taking em down one at a time yeeeeeaaaah boi😂
Get ya some popcorn.
I can’t take it anymore, Phil’s name is Phil Raoul Gino Del Biden. There, I said it. You can leave a message at the big shiny whitish abode in the district of criminals. He is third cousin, thrice removed from the commandeer in pooper, and your favorite marxist in resident… bidet the place holder.
You spelled Raul wrong and shame on you for doxxing me
I thought you were named after Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat that saved countless Jewish people in Budapest and was seemly executed in Moscow by, gasp! Communists during WW2.
Naw, I was named after Raul from the food truck down on the corner of Fifth and Main.
Mom really loved his Tamales.
When you are arguing with a blogger over silliness, writing a missive as a comment, he’s living rent free in your head.
It’s a blog, you idiot, not the major press. It’s humor. What you are doing is the equivalent of walking into a biker bar and nanny hectoring the patrons.
Exactly this.
Phil, mebe you can dedicate a section of your blog that posts the comments from these cocksucking trolls so the rest of us can have at ’em.
No, that’s what the trolls want. They’re desperate for attention.
Reach out to Kenny AKA Wirecutter about his case back in Ca.
He might have some pointers for you.
Good idea.
He wound up fucking Kerodin but good.
What is a BIPOC?
Johno, it means: Black, Indigenous (and) People of Color. Now you a smidgen smarter then you were a few minutes ago… How are you doing?
A fake acronym.
Similar to ‘blue states’, BOLCHEVICS initiate divisions by pigeon-holing everybody into neat little identifiable boxes.
Another example is their word ‘gay’ for homosexual.
Scientifically, homosexual describes certain individuals with the tendency toward non-reproductive sex, ie. a male with a male or a female with a female.
Obviously, no viable offspring could result from that.
Those unions are doomed.
Scientifically, Negroids have distinctive physical characteristics.
Those identify Negroids as different from the other two recognized groups, Caucasian and Mongoloid.
The three groups are not exclusive.
Caucasian individuals can selectively breed with Mongoloids and less frequently, with Negroids.
Partly because of low societal expectations based on their behavior, but mostly because we bred out of them the ability to plan long-term, Negroids breed with any available individual.
Indeed, the current-day behavior of Negroids suggests they were bred for low intelligence, high aggression, and non-selective (aka ‘reflex’) sexual activities.
Unfortunately, because of reflex (aka ‘see equals must-do’) sexual tendencies, Negroids are frequently ostracized from productive arenas of Northern European Heritage civilization.
Another word for this is ‘slums’, and it appears the vast majority of Negroids [temporarily residing in civilization] are content in that environment.
As we can see from their behavior, they are easily led.
A few well-placed treats, and their short-term reward needs engage their throttle… with the only temperment the complete depletion of the treats.
Biologically, a balance must exist between predator and prey.
If predators consume their prey beyond its ability to reproduce, that segment of the ecosystem collapses.
Unfortunately, no ecosystem exists as separate segments; all segments work together in a balance.
Too many deer consuming too much grazing depletes the ability of forage to recover, inevitably leading to starvation and a deer die-off… impacting wolves and cougars.
In the case of slum dwellers, their tendency to eat beyond the system’s ability to recover strongly predicts a societal collapse in that area.
The conclusion is clear:
* productive members of civilization — Mongloid and Northern European Heritage — cannot afford to continue feeding useless eaters.
The Negroid time is nearing its natural end.
As a result, with their tendency to exist without the ability to establish long-term goals, the Negroid short-term needs automatically kick into full-throttle high-gear.
This is partly not their fault… we bred them for heavy manual labor, selecting for low intelligence with a high reproductive drive.
At universities operated by BOLCHEVICS, the Negroid skill at heavy manual labor is easily exploited, directed into (low intelligence) self-hatred.
The BOLCHEVICS easily manipulate that self-hatred, casually directing it away from any civilized functions.
We see this in the short-term ‘quick-fix’ activities of drug use, welfare children, rapes, and ‘smash-n-grab’ crimes requiring zero-zero-zero planning… or contemplation of consequences.
The university BOLCHEVICS made-up the acronym ‘bipoc’ to segregate certain pigment levels of easily manipulated attendees in their classes.
To those naive few, latching onto that group identity seems important to identify as part of that group… a descending spiral with no way out.
I blame soy.
I would say that sums it up… Now, Large Marge I want you to be clearer next time and use crayons for our persistent trolls that don’t seem to understand complex concepts such as this and expostulate out to it’s inevitable conclusion.
Niggers and Beaners… pure n simple
Yup… you are just more eloquent.
Your blog, your e-space. They’re not entitled to a debate or anything. They want to present their opinions? They can start their own blogs.
That takes work. It would be like asking Dracula to make wooden stakes in his spare time.
If they tried no real person would read them. Let’s be real, anyplace called wereallmindlesssockpuppets.org isn’t someplace I’d willingly visit.
But leftists only really love communism & pedophillia so they’d probably name it something incredibly gay like Boys4Stalinssmegma.
This place makes me smile like a dead pig in the sunshine. Good action, fellas!😁
Phil, I have no doubt they go to sleep thinking about you and waking up thinking about you. Lol
Damn, I love this place.
I’ve been lurking for over a year, but it’s time I said hello.
Cederq and Big Country can confirm I’m no fedboi.
Phil, you keep kicking those little queer boys and make ’em holler; I like the sound they make as a boot goes up their ass. I’ll help when I can, but I’m not near as eloquent as Ced or BC, and I’m still trying to translate Marge’s castigation….
Nahh, just a Southern Redneck… hates revenuers as much as the next Southern Redneck.
I don’t necessarily HATE ’em. I just want to be left alone. If they can’t do that, then woe be unto their perfumed asses…
Probably see you soon, unless plans have changed. I mean, you ARE Phil’s bouncer now….
Sadly they have, I am stuck for the time being in the wasteland of middle America. That damn kidney, or what/where it used to be is given me fits, doc sez’ no driving long time, it no love you long time.
Sorry to hear plans have changed; I’m worried more about your kidney. Hang in there. We still have bbq to eat. Either here or there. I sometimes wander off to the plains, at least within a few hours drive of where ever the hell you may be.
Keep the faith, brother.
CederqX, correction, I’m now more educated, not necessarily any smarter. Has Phil issued you with an armband and truncheon, to go with your security role? I’m not sure that Cujo the Chihuahua fits the image of guard dog.
Nahhh… he wanted to issue me a badge but I told ’em I don’t need no stinking badge…. hey, I don’t call her my ten pound rottweiler for nothing.
I wanted to ask you, have the Aussie Troubles gotten to your slim neck of the woods yet? Stay safe there, who else do Death and me have a honest to goodness Man of impeccable Australian Convict heritage?
I worked in Mental Health for over 35 years at an in-patient hospital and found that not all are locked up, especially “TROLLS”. Most Trolls have Daddy issues, between the ages of 20- 30, have useless college degrees (mostly in philosophy), live with Mama because he’s the daughter she always wanted and he can’t keep a job and has running as a hobby because he likes men chasing him…..I’ve met a few Trolls over my 75 years and just stood there and laughed at them because they are pathetic weenies.
It’s a shame you have to spend hours getting rid of their asses to clean up this site.
I don’t get what all this is about. I mean Phil is a shameless internet panhandling bum, but where is all the death and hate coming from? I quit reading this blog when it became a pity party for his finances along with some others as I believe in making my own way in life. I guess I missed all the fun. Doesn’t look like I missed much though.
I found a picture of our friend tony vagino del fuackoo…
Listen nigga I ain’t do shit to u leave me alone!!!! This nigga keep calling the child custody on me I ain’t do shit. Now both my son daddy and his parents involved in this stupid ass shit
I’m telling you,it wasn’t me. You might want to take a look around and try to figure out who else you have been pissing off. I’m sure it’s a long list too.
Cedrex, the convicts sentenced to Transportation era finished about 1850 or so, people being proud of having such ancestors. My mum was a 1st gen Aussie, my father a New Australian, so I have no convict heritage to boast of. Speaking of convicts, you may want to enquire of Hunter Biden how much he can get a nice fresh kidney for you, from his Chicom pals for. You might then get a taste for wom-bokh and bok-choy, both quite nice in stir fry.
U a racist
It’s called having a sense of humor, get one, they’re fun.
Nigga quit calling child custody on me!!!!! I’m a mother of two I got two sons I already got enough shit my sons fathers don’t give me enough money I gotta get my own sell my body on TikTok to boys u don’t know what it’s like they want to judge me and shit talking shit it’s the same as being a porn star it ain’t pedofilia so leave me the hell alone!!!
I haven’t done a fucking thing to you. It sounds to me like you been running your mouth too fucking much and somebody else got tired of your shit. That’s called a clue honey.
Pretty fascinating comment thread you got here Phil.
We used to say to the “in your face” queers that “Nature has marked you for extinction.” It’s starting to seem like that sentiment is applying to many other demographic groups as well. Well, said extinction event is more and more likely.
Fuck off you stupid cunt.
Keep playing your fucking games and win stupid prizes
You are -genuinely- the stupidest “female” I’ve (we’ve collectively, speaking for the group) have ever had the displeasure of having to see… your immature writing, your lack of self-awareness, your inability to tend to a child? Mother of the year right here guys . Of course you probably have the clap, and a loooong list of multiple partners that
A) saw you for the garden implement that you are
B) ran like hell the second they got done with you… like in a hardware store, it was ‘screw-nut-bolt!’
If anything, you have proven, without a shadow of a doubt, that somewhere, someday, the news will carry stories of ‘lonely cat woman’s corpse found eaten by cats’ surrounded by empty box wine (or, more n’likely empty Forties judging by your attempts at ebonics)… a sad, abandoned shell of a woman, who hit the wall, and died alone…
Enjoy! We’ll be here to follow ALL of your misfortune with baited breathe!
Who could have stock enough popcorn for this, raise your hands please.
This is fun reading!