Sometimes It’s Cheaper Just To Do It Right.

Drake Anthony @styropyro_

Who needs a plasma cutter when you can just wire 100 car batteries together?

Yeah that’s cool and all but after just having to buy ONE battery at $165…

That would be $16,500, IF, you had 100 battery cores to turn in. If not then you can add another $2.000 at $20 each.

Just to cut a hunk of steel.

You could buy a whole PALLET full of plasma cutters for that kind of money.

Not to mention not having to try and blow your self up by blowing molten steel all over a pile of batteries 5 feet away…..

15 thoughts on “Sometimes It’s Cheaper Just To Do It Right.

  1. yeah, bought a plasma cutter back in the early 2000’s. have not used it in maybe
    10 years now ? anyway, it is a HTP model. works very well though.
    also have on of their MIG welders the 210 I think it is. does things like spot weld and has about 12 or heat setting. again, another tool collecting dust.
    weird, last time I putt a ad on Craigslist, so clown wanted to give me 200 for it
    to ” take it off my hands” yeah, right I think I paid close to 1200 for it.
    I rather give it to a school instead. it is a damn good welder.

    • Too bad you aren’t closer, Dave.
      I’m a Miller die hard, but HTP is some pretty decent gear.
      Like my Brother on the West Coast, I’m a tool whore as well. ‘-)

      Whitehall, NY

  2. “…in other news, a local teen was taken into protective custody after 100 of his neighbors realized he had stolen the batteries from their vehicles to make a YouTube video…”

    I can just hear that IRL

  3. Yeah, no. You could also jack into the local distribution line and use 440AC if you’re so stupid and inclined. Go big and hack into the local substation that feeds your neighborhood for really powerful electricity.

    Or cut it with thermite.

    Or sit around for fucking ever with a set of files and drills and drill bits.


    Stupid is as stupid does, especially if those batteries aren’t new and have vastly different discharge rates. That shit right there will cause the weakest cell to blow up in a huge hydrogen explosion leading to battery acid and molten lead flying everywhere.

    But, sure, you can cut with batteries.

  4. Yet another episode of the ongoing series “just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to actually do it”.

  5. unh, all of you above that are disparaging this guy are just jealous that you didn’t think of it first.

    • Um, I didn’t think of it first, last, or ever. Stoopid idea when there’s tools that do it mo better, mo faster, mo cheaper, and last of all, mo safer!

      But that’s just me. Mr. Fuddy-duddy.

  6. Throwing those kind of sparks RIGHT NEXT TO the bank of batteries while you’re loading them up with that kind of draw isn’t something you’ll get away with for long.

    • I’ve seen hydrogen gas explosions in car batteries that were charged waaaaaaay too fast, so… yeah.

      (For those of you uninitiated, rapid discharge does the same thing, usually more spectacularly. BTDT. No thanks.)

    • Yup, Never *did* say the Latest Generation was raised with much smarts. Think of it as Darwinian Selection with Pictures.

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