Sometimes I’m A Real Dumbass

I’m also stubborn.

Sometimes this combination is very painful.

This is one of those times, and it is REAL painful.

About 5 years or so ago, I developed a large corn on the bottom of my left foot.

If you have ever had one of these dirty sonsabitches, you know just how painful they can be.

It feels like you are stepping on a rock every time you take a step.

Working in maintenance, in very large industrial warehouse type settings, it is nothing to take many THOUSANDS of steps, every day.

Thus, many thousands of times a day, you get a major dose of pain.

After weeks and months of this, you come to the decision that something needs to be done about this.

In the past, I have used good old fashioned liquid Compound W in combination with the medicated oval foot pad cushions to slowly dissolve the cocksucker.

It’s advertised for using on Warts but it works OK for corns too.

It takes a while but after some time, it kinda turns the skin rubbery and kills it. This makes it so that you can grab it and peel it off.

Successive applications lets you get deeper in and eventually you get enough gone that it quits hurting when you step on it and you are good to go, usually for several months at least.

Recently, this fucking corn came back and after some months I was once again fed up and decided to do it again.

Unfortunately, the bottle I had from the last go round had dried up so I asked The Wifely Unit to snag me some the next time she went shopping. Well, she comes back and said she couldn’t find any of the liquid so she bought this new Freeze It type stuff.

I had my old doctor freeze a wart off one of my fingers years ago so I kinda knew how this worked, or so I thought.

So I open this little kit up and I’m reading the directions and see that you basically stick a Q-Tip in this collet and then stick that onto the bottle and it sprays the Q-tip while it’s covered up so it isn’t just spraying the shit everywhere.

Now comes the fun.

Because this corn is on the bottom of my foot, I can’t see what I’m doing and I didn’t think to ask the Wife to do it for me. So I am basically doing this by Braille.

Instead of just sticking this thing directly on the corn, I kinda swiped it around where it felt like it should go.

Big Mistake.

The next day, I stopped on the way home and got a bottle of the shit I was wanting in the first place, plus some more of the little pads. I then proceeded to wipe a bunch of that shit on the pad and stuck it where it felt like it needed to be,

A couple days go by as I repeat this process and my foot starts REALLY hurting.

So I have the Wife take a look at it and I heard her suck in her breath real quick when she looked at it.

That ain’t a good sign

So because I can’t see what the fuck is going on, I used my phone and took a picture of it.

Umm, yeah.


I fucked up.

Chemically burned the hide right off.

This was a couple weeks ago.

Of course I am having to go to work every day and walk all over the place, it got worse.

And worse,

There is a 1/4 inch deep, infected hole under that mess.

Apparently I dissolved that corn entirely.

Mission accomplished.

I had an appointment with my surgeon because I was having trouble with the incision from the surgery not wanting to heal up at the top because it’s right where the elastic from my underwear and my belt loop area of my jeans was rubbing on it all the time so while I was there I asked her to take a look at it.

It’s finally healed, two months later.

She took one look at it and boy did she get mad!

The thing is infected and she had to drain a bunch of pus out of it and clean it all out.

She’s ranting about gangrene and amputations and shit because it’s on my foot and I have fuck all for blood flow in my legs. The surgery didn’t help that and my condition has actually gotten worse. I can’t even walk half as far as I could before and now my calves start cramping and I’m getting shin splints in my left leg after walking just 20 feet sometimes now.

So she cleans the thing up as best as she can, loads me up with some iodine and tells me to get the crap surgeon’s use to wash up with before surgery to clean it with. Some kind of gel, called cholrhexedrine.

Twice a day, wash it off, put iodine on some gauze and bandage the shit out of it.

She also prescribed some anti biotics, told me to start eating yogurt because they kill the good bacteria in your gut and come back in a week.

Over the course of this last week, this huge sore on my foot is getting more painful by the day. It’s fuckin’ killing me. Of course then it gets infected again. So I am trying to keep this thing cleaned out

That was last week and all this week up to today.

I went to see her today, she takes a look at it, starts poking it and trying to cut dead skin off around it and I am literally coming out of the chair every time she touches it.

This thing is 100% screaming pain at this point.

That’s it she says.

You are going to the Emergency Room.

Oh just fucking great.

In the first place, even with the Crippled Guy license plates, I can never find an open Handicapped parking spot and have to park 100 yards up this damn hill to find a place to park.

I get done with her and then have to go down 3 floors, walk out of the building, hobble 100 yards UP the hill to get to my truck, get in, back that fucker out without hitting anyone’s car, drive down and out, go clear around to the front of the hospital and the circle the entire parking lot 5 times,6 rows deep, trying to find another place to park. Then get out and walk ANOTHER 100 yards up to get into the Emergency Room.

Even with her calling them letting them know I was coming, I was in there 7 fucking hours, with no breakfast. I literally saw 8 different people, had to go back to the waiting room 3 fucking times and wait on them to come get me for the next person and before it’s all said a and done, they did this to me,

Are you fucking kidding me.

More anti biotics, I was told to quit using the gel and the iodine because it was actually not doing anything good for it and to just wash it with soap and water. I’m off work until Monday.

When they kicked me loose at 3:30 in the afternoon after me leaving the house at 9, I then had to hobble all the way back across that parking lot to get back to my truck. That fucking boot made it THREE TIMES more painful to walk than just my regular shoes and by the time I stopped and grabbed a chicken sandwich, drove to the pharmacy to get the pills and got home, I was in so much fucking pain that I almost had to pull over at one point.

The minute I got in the house I took that fucking monstrosity off because between it and all the bandages, it had cut off the circulation to my foot and my toes were completely numb and I had stabbing pain coming out of that wound.

So here I sit, all this bullshit, pain and expense, because I am too stubborn to go see a Podiatrist and have him cut the fucker out.

Trust me, I won’t be making that mistake again.

11 thoughts on “Sometimes I’m A Real Dumbass

  1. Does Mister Cederq know about this? I would ask for his opinion. Don’t have to listen, but maybe he has sound advice. Keep it clean I’d my advice. I’ll say a prayer for your foot.

  2. WTF? The surgery did nothing? Damn.

    I don’t know what the damn boot is supposed to accomplish. Keep you from putting weight on the ball of your toe?

    You might end up with a wound vac, which is a nifty technology, but kinda limits your mobility when it’s on your foot.

  3. had a nasty wound like that myself a few years ago. like 10 or more.
    anyway, this old guy told me to get some fresh garlic and make a paste out of it
    dress the wound with it like 2 times a day. damn if that shit didn’t work too.
    mine was from a bad burn. between the paste mix and getting air to it.
    it didn’t even leave a scar afterwards.
    not too sure how it would work on your foot though.

  4. So far, I’ve been lucky. I’ve had a couple of those in the recent past (and may be getting another one on my left foot). The way I got rid of them was to soak the shit out of them in salty water, dry off, then took the sharpest knife I had and carefully trim off the saturated calloused skin. Eventually went away.

  5. That stoic, stubborn, ignore it till you can’t, “push through it!!!!!!” attitude doesn’t apply to medical, ever. Because of my years of shipyards, tree service, off road shit, being “active” and fucking myself up, a LOT, my lady is a “practical” nurse practitioner. Yours needs to step up or you’re gonna lose something important, first your foot, then your life. YOU WILL PISS OFF ALL US ASS HOLES WHO LOVE YOUR SORRY ASS!!! Don’t put us through that! CederQ’s great, but we need YOU! Take his advice, he has no ulterior motives, but has a shit ton of experience.
    You deserve the pain, not the suffering. Consider yourself yelled at, young man! Yeah, I’m older than you, so do what yer told!

    Sorry bout that, it really upset me, apparently. I’ve had friends die stubborn, stupid, and I’m not over it. Again sorry about my outburst.

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