14 thoughts on “Someone wants to know if this is your cup of tea like at Filthies Exile 1981

  1. The quote attributed to Einstein comes to mind when considering the picture.

    “There is no scientific unit of measure for that level of stupidity.”

  2. Damn, I’m so old that I can remember when it was considered tacky for a chick to wear a top that allowed her bra strap to be seen (which was nice, as they usually chose to ditch the bra).

  3. You face The Classic Pervert’s Dilemma, Exile.

    “Do I pull the string, or light it?”

    Choose wisely….😂👍

  4. “Hey kids! It’s the new ‘fembot edition’ Barbie, where you get one of six retarded phrases with each pull of the string! You’ll get such classic gems, like “smash the patriarchy!”, “I only date men who vote democrat”, and “quit mansplaining to me!”.

    Buy yours today for $19.99 at Shlomo Mart!”

  5. Back in my day (graduated HS 1969) that would induce near suicide level embarrassment. My, how (((They))) have degraded social decency.

  6. I don’t think women need to show a string when they are in the crazy zone. Just my opinion after 38 years.

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