Someone Locally Is Panicking About The Election

Someone torched a local ballot box here in Vancouver Washington.

Reading the comments, someone says it has happened across the river in Portland Oregon too.

Maybe we should go back to voting in person eh?

If you live in Washington state, you can check to see if your ballot has been counted HERE.

6 thoughts on “Someone Locally Is Panicking About The Election

  1. I’d wondered how long it would be before we started to see these drop boxes getting taken out, contents included. Having clearly marked deposit points for ballots out on the street struck me as a fundamentally stupid idea from the very start. It’s as if the morons in charge somehow believed these wouldn’t end up being targeted.

    Now, how much longer do you suppose it will be before actual polling locations are targeted with terrorist activity? Bombs, mass shootings, cars/trucks driven right into the building (and those waiting in line). Politics is dirty business, so all that will eventually be in the table. Book it.

  2. well, it not like something like this has ever happened before. right ?
    and I get the feeling it will get worse as time gets closer. panic makes people
    do stupid and dangerous actions. and given the fact we now have so many bad actors INSIDE the states now than ever before, it will get worse.
    besides ‘they” will blame them for whatever “they ” do.
    God only knows how many cartel bad people are here already.
    and there is always the Antifa thugs willing to do anything for money.
    kind of like the “summer of love” was just a warm up to what may be coming to a city near you.
    just remember this one small thing, “they are fighting to stay out of prison and keep all of their ill gotten gains they have gotten. some will flee, no doubt after the election if it goes against them. some will suffer accidents to protect others higher up on the loot chain I think.
    but they will fight make no bones about that part. the left has never given up power without a fight. the very idea of voting them out ? well, we shall see how well that works.
    stay frosty and ammo up as it will get rather sporty in spots

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