8 thoughts on “Society’s loss…

    • Retry:
      Stop talking about Guido that way, Cederq – it’s embarassing her!

      • Guido is a her? didn’t think the Italians were partial to the LBTGQEIEIO bullshit. Oh well, nothing lasts forever.

        • Yes Guido is a female, but not tranny or lesbion… just her name, after a ornate overpass and highway in Macon, Georgia, the Guido McPherson School of Evangelical Parkway over US 80

          • Guido McPherson, an Italian Irish something, that personality would tolerate less bullshit than Phil.

  1. Cederq, you gonna take Guido to the vet-dentist, get her a set of stainless steel fangs, polished to match your gay bumper bar? She’ll be able to munch Commie rioters while riding shotgun, as you mow them down.

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