49 thoughts on “So, What Do You Think?

  1. He’s sort of right….but he’s not mostly right. Israel is less than perfect. American politicians are almost universally corrupt. Hamas and the vast vast majority of Palestinians (and other mohammedans) are simply evil.

    • And Putin supports Hamas and has for many years. The reasons for supporting Israel are the same for supporting Ukraine. Abandoning either is going to hurt the US both geopolitically as well as reputationally. The mud you saw the US’s name drug through after Vietnam will be many times worse this time around. It will also do a lot to insure the US does end up in a war.

  2. He’s not altogether wrong. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? – who will guard the guards themselves. No one. TPTB will do whatever the fuck they want. War Pigs. Gird your loins, we are in for a bumpy ride.

  3. SSSooooooo —– why won’t the other arab countries take the Palestinians in? I’m guessing this guy did some ‘subjective selective’ research.

  4. Gotta agree that a general housecleaning in gummint would be a good thing . . . along with a balanced budget and removal of the UN from the US.

    Problem is . . . the system cannot be used to fix THE SYSTEM ! We’re told whom we can vote for — and basically any qualified, experienced, ethical, self-respecting person would avoid that Potomac cesspool as if it were the Red Death.

    I say let ’em fight their own wars . . . sell ’em weapons ‘n’ stuff, but stay outta foreign civil, and especially ancient religious, conflicts.

  5. I’m not American, just an interested bystander and I think there’s more balance in the comments than in his video.

  6. I agree with Rob. I suspect Ukraine and the Iraq wars are about oil/gas. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the leaders of Iran are just evil.

  7. Look across the pond at what happened in Southport yesterday , that was a expression of radical Islam against children . Hamas hates Israel it also hates everyone that’s not a Moslem .

    • I believe you are using a rhetorical device known as a “non sequitur” in your argument.

      Saying “Fuck Israel” does not equal “Bring In ALL the Goatfuckers” in most cases.

      In this case, the fucking Israelis are bringing in all the goatfuckers, so they can both die of hemmorhagic fever of unknown origin.

      Unless you were pointing to a recent habbening and pointing out the newest Israelu targets that pushed their shit in 18 years ago don’t like non-muzzies, in which case it wasn’t a retarded argument but a boomer PSA. In that case, Thanks.

      • “Christian” Zionist are the biggest suckers on the planet. Sheep for the slaughter, ignorant of the sola scriptura they worship. Duh, I’m no theologian and I know who executed Christ. Good grief…

  8. In the run up to WWI it was said that if Serbia could be towed out to sea and sunk the air of Europe would be far better. Fast forward to today and the same could be said of the ENTIRE middle east.

    And yes, Israel knew of the attack beforehand and purposely moved the music festival’s location to make it and easier target.

  9. If you really think you are free, consider this.
    The government can come and take your son and force him to fight in any number of little wars that they like. Sure they are not actively drafting now, but they will.
    Then there is your home. Your do not own it. The government can come and take it for any reason. You pay property tax, which is lease on your property.
    Freedom of speech. Wrong. The reason is that you don’t have a voice. You are like the nut at the courthouse lawn barking about something. Once you get a voice, you can be silenced.
    Vote, just look at 2020. Enough said.

      • No, I grew up in the 50s and saw more freedom than we have now. I find it silly to say we are more free than China or another country. We have lost considerably and people don’t realize what we had at one time.

  10. To all those lamenting the “evil” mooslems. What about our side? Think about the evil we have supported in Israel and Ukraine. Since about three years ago, we have financed the killing of well over a million people, and for what?

    • “Since about three years ago, we have financed the killing of well over a million people”

      Name them. We’ll wait.

  11. Dude hates Israel, obviously. He might qualify to be in the camps that were erected on college campuses these past few months supporting Palestine and hating on Israel, caused a big ruckus and hated on cops. I read that those shenanigans cost California $29 million. That doesn’t include other universities in other states. As far as Palestine goes, Hamas’ motto is to kill all Jews. Period. It’s written in their ‘book’. They tend to be a malevolent folk who like to kill, stab, murder, people who don’t adhere to their religion, even kids. The state of Israel was provided land after WW2 by the League of Nations. The surrounding countries, who adhere to the aforementioned religion have attacked them ever since. There was peace for a while, then Hamas (or a similar bellicose organization) will break the peace and fire rockets into Israel and the war starts all over again. Israel built a wall because the Hamas types kept sneaking in, getting on board public buses and detonating themselves with sucide belts made of C-4 and ball bearings- killing civilans. As far as Israel ‘allowing’ October 7th to occur and having foreknowledge of the attack, is pretty fringe. But of course, U.S. government has done some very bad things also, like start a coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014 and the media doesn’t speak of it. Which shows the media’s culpability. Or check out ‘Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth’. Israel has the Right to defend itself. But we aren’t obliged to pay them. I love American people and Ameican Soil. I do not like our government or our (supposedly) elected pols.

  12. He is not wrong in the least. The question is how to go about resolving the uniparty anti American bias within the law. We can vote out 100% of the House every 2 years but not the senate. Assuming the house is the solution since they (by law) are in charge of spending, how do you get the brain dead voters in the individual districts to vote out the incumbent and vote in a non-corruptible representative? Are there any non-corruptible persons in existence given that so few actually follow God’s laws? Dunno folks. Next week I will do my part in voting out the filth in the primaries, but even then there are too many that do not analyze what the individuals seeking the vote are really like morally and intellectually. Go vote, while we still can. If you need a lesson in what happens. just look at Venezuela for live reporting.

    • AWWWE, that’s so cute that you still think voating harder will work.
      It’s too late to vote our way out of this and too early to shoot the bastards. Of course, your opinion may vary.

  13. Vote Libertarian.

    Now tell me Im crazy or delusional or pathetic or unrealistic.

    Then look at who’s been elected since JFK was shot.

    • Have you seen the nutjobs they’ve put up to run the past few elections? They lost me years ago.

  14. End Times are speeding up. I’m not overly religious but I can see whats happening around the world. Im gonna slide a bit closer to Jesus and God

  15. He has some interesting points but Im not sure of his premise that Israel “facilitaded” the hamas attach. Maybe he’s right.
    I also think he doesn’t understand proxy wars. Just as Trump stands between Americans and the swamp, Israel stands between us and the rise militant islam…or perhaps militants are rising Because of Israel. This is above my paygrade.

  16. You know, just because one side are assholes doesn’t make the other side good people, much less your friends. Hamas are assholes (and they exist because Someone needed a counterweight to Fatah). The mullahs running Iran are assholes. Agreed. Stipulated, even. But at least those fucks don’t pretend to be my friends. They don’t hyphenate themselves into the front (the front, yet) of the name of my ethics and ethos. (Muslo-Christian civilization my yellow ass.) They don’t bomb, strafe, torpedo, and fucking napalm my ships on multiple attack runs, then claim it was all a mistake. They don’t flood my country and culture with communism, negrolatry, porn, faggotry, sex-change drugs, and other degeneracy, then call me an “ist” and a “phobe” and an “anti” if I even dare to notice, much less resist.

    You decide if ANY of the assholes in the Middle East deserve our friendship. They ALL hate you. But some are at least open and honest about it.

  17. Saddam put Iraq on the gold standard.
    They backed their money with gold.
    The people of Libya were on the gold standard.
    They backed their money with gold.
    Of course, they needed to be disciplined.
    The bankers needed them to use fiat currency.

    • Noticing = Hate.
      So stop with the anti-Banksterism already.
      Show some respect. Don’t you know they were almost all masturbated to death less than a hundred years ago? Shame on you.

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